Cracked Futures fin box

Anyone ever had a Futures fin box crack on the bottom of the box?  Wondering if the box is toast or if I can get away with dropping some 5-minute expoy in the box.  I know what the proper fix is but don’t really want to go down that road at the moment.

[img_assist|nid=1054859|title=Cracked box|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]


chances are, if you put epoxy in the bottom, the fin won't  fit. Its worth a try though. Paint a thin layer or two on with a brush, and if it doesn't work then you'll have to replace it

chances are, if you put epoxy in the bottom, the fin won't  fit. Its worth a try though. Paint a thin layer or two on with a brush, and if it doesn't work then you'll have to replace it

crap... sorry I think i clicked the button too many times

IMHO if the only cracks are in the very bottom of the box my bet is that you can keep on keeping on.  Especially if there are no cracks in or around the flanges.  Any idea of what might have caused them?



No idea the cause.  Do you think tightening the fin down too tight could cause it.  I'm not the first owner and looks like he stripped the grub screw.

I've been down this road with a Lokbox and I think the biggest concern with the 5 min epoxy (or any off the shelf stuff) is that it's much too viscous to seep into the fine cracks.  I'd thin it with about 1:2 denatured alcohol until you get a more watery consistency.  If it gets in the cracks, you can sand off the excess on the surface and still be able to fit in your fin. 


Anyone ever had a Futures fin box crack on the bottom of the box?  Wondering if the box is toast or if I can get away with dropping some 5-minute expoy in the box.  I know what the proper fix is but don't really want to go down that road at the moment.

[img_assist|nid=1054859|title=Cracked box|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]



















Stick it out in the sun and see if it starts to weep.  If it doesn't then let it go.  If the box starts to crack more from use I'd suspect a poor install.  Not enough resin in the routed hole.  Voids under or around the box.  Without getting into major surgery, if the cracks grows drill out the crack and fill the void and crack with resin mixed with milled fibers.

I'm sure that the foam underneath the box is resin saturated, so it is most likely water tight.