Craziest board you've ever made

I love making schitzo boards. Facebook $25 beater board revamps are a way of life.

Killdozer was my first one, super super rough. Sanded the hot coats off to make it lighter. Used a mixture of boat resin, normal epoxy, PVC plumbing epoxy, and pretty much whatever I could find to staple this together. Honestly fucking rips it’s gnarly.

Octoboard was given from a friend who paints and doesn’t surf. Just resined in the graphic and cleaned out the fin boxes. Kinda grommy board, can work with a long enough period.

Divine Light is a single fin 6’3" 18 3/4" and is fun for wider carves. Can’t seem to get the hot coat on without those little bumps on the top. Tight turns slip out or over-rotate, kinda goofy fun.

Working on a Battle Axe, gonna give it a ‘Holy Axe’ vibe with a crescent nose. Should be a wicked novelty board.

There’s a bunch more random ones in my garage, these are just some examples.

What’s your most experimental board you’ve made, and how did it ride? Dying to see more loons out there

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That’s an abominable beaut. What was the idea behind the shape and how does she ride?

like the photo in finless it doesn’ t ride, it spins off from the longer side,
it paddles bad cause it turns to the longer side and as a plus its hard to duck-dive because you don’t have where to put your feet.
its a way to big disporportion.

last week i routed holes on it for fin plugs.
when i have more time i am gonna finish it as a twin.

will post photos and give feedback.
cheers and good waves.

I have made some crazy boards. I don’t know which is the craziest tho.
