I just creased a new board basically by ass slamming it. It starts as a pressure dent(bottom) then turns into a line of broken glass goin around the rail. Ive heard a lot of snaps come from the rail so i wanna rapair thjis properly, I cant find anything under crease in the forums… Could someone lead me in the right direction? Or just tell me how to do it, I was thinkin, sand around, mask laminate (2 layers) fill, sand… any tips or tricks??
yeah, what you have described is pretty much how I’d do it, give or take filling the deep, narrow depressions with some filler, just so there’s no real deflections in the laminate that’d pre-dispose it to buckling there. I’d maybe say 2 laminations/laters of cloth at least, depending on how heavy the cloth is that you use. Every layer a little bigger and overlapping the one below it by a fair amount- say 3" on each side - so you don’t have any sharp or hard transiotions.