creating a template from a drawing.

Got a picture of a template i love, but its only a4 size, wots the best way to blow it up to a full size template.

Take it to a place that does Blue prints They may be able to up scale The drawing

You can also scale it by hand with a grid, using a flexy stick or fishing pole to smoothe out the curve.

u can use aku shaper and print half of ur template on 12 A4 and then glue all parts.

ahh...a fishing pole is genius. I usually try to find masonite strips, baseboards and an assortment of other flexible items in my garage. I'm liking the fishing pole idea


ahh...a fishing pole is genius. I usually try to find masonite strips, baseboards and an assortment of other flexible items in my garage. I'm liking the fishing pole idea


mahalo kensurf for that one!