Creative underwater system for videoing

I built this to video surf foils in the wave but it has other applications.
You can inhale against hydrostatic pressure down to about 3 feet but you can’t use a 3 foot snorkel because the air spoils with CO2 buildup.
So I built a float connected to a tube that goes to a mouthpiece with specific medical valves that only allows fresh air in and out the other side.
What it achieves is that I can stay submerged several feet indefinitely for videoing , but it would also work for cleaning hulls or spearfishing. When there’s no surf it’s cool to just lurk a few feet down on a reef and watch the fish go by.
I’ve made a few versions and here’s a few construction pics.


So the valves are the key?

Yes, they’re medical grade valves for anaesthetic machines.
The whole system comes in at $50 unpainted. The Orange or Blue/White floats are vacced EPS. The rest is just off the shelf parts from the hardware store.
I’m doing a slick version and then a video just to show it works.

Cool! Thnx for sharing. Maybe you could make money on you tube with it. I don’t know how that works exactly, but I think far less interesting people are doing it.

I think at one stage Swaylocks was going to have “Channels” for people who wanted to post their own stuff …?

People were making money off of YouTube, myself included. They just changed their terms of service, so now the only people that are making money off of YouTube are people with 1000 subscribers plus 4000 hours of watchtime (over the course of a year). The new rules knocked out a lot of the little guys.

That’s what caused that crazy woman to shoot people and kill herself at the youtube HQ. She saw a big decline in her views and lost revenue.

You can do what everyone else is doing or do something completely different or maybe go to your hardware shop and build something from what’s on the shelves, and maybe add a few bits offa ebay.
There’s so many things already available, if you can think of something amazing…It’s definately on Google and maybe for sale on eBay, Alibaba ( China ) or Indiamart.
By the way, postage from the U.S. is astronomical compared to the rest of the world, if you’re interested in why people buy so much stuff from China and India it’s because of the free postage. Anything from a bolt to a motorcycle helmet—-all free postage and everyone here is buying more because of it. And wow, they are so polite, there’s no grief when it comes to scientific questions and theoretical physics, the guys in India and China know as much as anyone and they’re hungry for business.

It’s amazing what possible when you just put things together that don’t usually go in the same box.
An irrigation piece, a SCUBA mouthpiece, a piece of a bullet proof shield, and a high pressure gas pipe.

Great idea!
Lets think through the ‘bends’ issue:
I you were the Hulk, with chest muscles like the Hulk etc, I assume you could breathe in under 10m of water pressure. Or maybe under 100m of water, just theoretically.
Would the Hulk get the bends, then, when he comes back up too quickly after hours of under-water fun?
Too hard for me right now, need to meditate on that…

Decompression is only required if you go deeper than 35 feet. Somewhere around that depth.
Even professional free divers can only draw air in at a depth of about 3 no problems about The Bends.
This allows you to stay completely submerged down to 3 feet and still breathe. So you’re not stuck on the surface.
Just like snorkelling deeper, you have to come up for air but not to the surface and there’s no spitting out like a snorkel.
And yes you could meditate submerged with this.

Very cool. I used to enjoy freediving off the so. cal. channel islands, you can see an awful lot at minimal depth.

SCUBA airlines are 13 mm but the air is under pressure.
After a heap of testing it just feels right to have a large diameter air pipe , there’s no breathing resistance with the diameter over 20mm. It’s a hostile environment being underwater, no need to make it more difficult.
Using a length of 4 metres is long enough to trail behind without tangling with your flippers yet long enough to satisfy most reef diving. Could try a longer section but it works fine as it is.
There’s something to be said for underwater meditation, just calmly resting in the water watching the fish swim by.

Can a splash of water make it down that tube?

The surface float and post are designed to keep water out of the tube but lately I’ve added a cap to newer versions so that splash or rain can’t enter the tube. Or have a seagull land on the pipe and block the air.
The right hand version has flouroescent tape so I can go out at dawn or dusk and the post glows green above the water. I’ve spooked a few surfers who didn’t see the float before I popped up next to them. They couldn’t see the float but heard something big surface next to them.
I think this could have some stealthy military application, a whole team of people moving or lurking unseen under the water.

Good thing it wasnt Mick, he woulda started whalin’ on you!

Just had 2 Aussies bitten by a great white.
One guy got out and went to hospital and the other guy went back in and got bitten after he knew there had just been an attack moments before. He deserved to get bitten.

wow, be careful out there amigo!