there’s been four siginificant events in the last decade contributing to my current addiction to home based board making.
The first was taking a “build your own” composite class from Charlie Price (CMP) back in 2003-2004 where he walked me through making my first “composite” structure, a balsa skinned, cnc shaped Jeff Alexander approved PU Gemini with RedX quads. Hooking up with Charlie was the single greatest thing I could’ve done to learn hands on from one of the best wood skinners in the business. To this day I still think he is liek Gary Young years ahead of what everyone else is doing.
The second was Shwuz convincing me to come over to this place called Swaylocks from the Surfer Magazine Design Forum where folks where a little more open to new ideas than the Al Mimic chip and dip crowd At Surfer.
The third was the famous Bert Burger Vacuum Forming Post back around 2004 that introduced us to perimeter rails and 1lb EPS foam
But the fourth and biggest was my acquisition of this obscure video I picked up at Fiberglass Hawaii around the same time from a sailboard builder in British Columbia called Tom Sullivan. It confirmed what Greg, Bert, and Holly was saying about how far behind the surfboard building industry was in comparison to other sports especially sailboards. This 1997 non longer in print video taught me more about the basics of vacuum board building than most of the stuff I’ve read here because to this day the principles discussed is still core to the process. Sure Greg, Bert and others have added their two cents here but between what Tom showed me on his video and what Charlie taught my brother and I about being efficient I think its safe to say that what they had to say was all you really needed.
Out of respect for these teachers and respect to Tom’s unrecognized contribution, I’ll TEMPORARILY post these clips of his video as inspiration to others and to show what was happening back in 1996-1997, yes, thats 12 years ago… Live Aloha-Make your Own-And Buy Local
Rocker Templating
Making Hotwire Cutters
Hotwiring Your Blank
Hotwiring your Outine
Rocker Table Basics
Epoxy Basics
Bagging the Dcell Bottom Skin
Removing the Blank
Cutting the Outline and Railbands
Finish Shaping
Building and Bagging the Deck Skin
Sanding and Glassing
Glassing the Board
Bagging the Glass