curiosity killed the....

greetings! I was wondering if there is any resource out there that anybody knows about that could enlighten me in the area of, what i think would be termed fluid dynamics. I realize that there is no substitue for actual research and development in surfboard and fin design, but it seems that there are basic principles at play here that may be described in, say, a book on sailboat hull design or something along those lines. If anybody has any cool secret magical references out there i sure would like to hear about them. Cheers! PS run-on sentences are my specialty.

I know Lindsey Lord’s study about planing hulls (written as a MIT research project in the 40’s) would provide a wealth of information…Bob Simmons hit the motherlode when he read it… Unfortunately I don’t know how to get a copy - my internet research wasn’t succesful so far! Any Suggestions?