Curious about an old 11' Hansen for sale

11’ and pretty clean for a board from about '65, '66, '67? - Anyway just wondering if this was a stock model, or if anyone knew anything about it.

Thanks and all lthe best,



And the board number is…?        That number helps pin down the year, as well as the shaper.      The numerals will be accompanied by letters, or symbols.     The number will appear near the tailblock, on the deck side.

Thanks Bill - this is for sale on Craigslist - I’ll reach out to the seller and ask - it’s clean so this should be pretty legible.

just buy it.

worth the trade of a 64 ford 150 that doesnt run.

or runs but has body issues…


or a pair of 501 jeans from 1963

with a pair of black converse low cuts.

same vintage…


If it wasn’t an 8-hour ride away from me I would have already bought it.

The owner graciously sent it to me: 8129 - or is the 8 a B?

Here’s a pic too - the guy was very cool to do this.


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   The 8129 number puts the board solidly into 1966.      The numerals appear to be in my handwriting, done with a ‘‘Flair’’ felt tip pen, which is what I used at that time.      Seems I forgot to put my letter  T   designator, after the numerals.     Hard to believe that the board is 52 years old.

Thanks Bill - I went ahead, drove to Rhode Island and got it - I swapped one of those new-fangled CJ nelson noseriders for it.  I couldnt wait so I took it to a nearby beach break - it paddles like a dream and everything works so nicely together.  

More pics & ride reports to follow, thanks for all your help!


If it wasn’t an 8-hour ride away from me I would have already bought it.

What?! 8 hours?  Are you not in S Jersey?  I’m in Bucks County PA and will iron-leg a day trip to RI to surf hurricane swells.  Maybe your car isn’t that fast :slight_smile:


For some reason I was thinking New Hampshire.  Newport Rhode Island is about 6 hours from where I live.  Still pretty far.

If I leave at 4 am, I can be in the water at Matunuk or Pt Judith by 8:30.  Morning surf session, mid-day siesta/comida, afternoon surf session, chowder, coffee, iron-leg the drive home.  Roll in about 10:30.  Long day but it’s an exciting adventure.  And sometimes we stay overnight which is more restful.  Going to del Cabo in two weeks.

I’m lazy.  I rarely surf outside of bicycle distance from home other than a couple annual surf trips and the occasional contest.

At 11’, it was either a tandem board or built for a really fat guy. Nice score.

And, I think Bill will agree that it isn’t any particular model, but just a stock shape.

All of Hansen’s models in the 60s had a distinct lam with the name of the model clearly indicated (50-50, Hustler, Doyle, etc)


would all stock shapes run the same template?? 

Or were they all custom/random?? 

In a way - is stock a “model” ??