Custom earplugs for ruptured eardrum

Not sure if I should be asking this here, mods, feel free to move to the appropriate forum if not.

So I popped my eardrum the otherday in Tugun while diving into a wave when trying to exit. Its all healed up now, but I don’t want it to happen again. I currently wear the surfears, and I think it offers some protection. I recently got some impressions at the audiologist, but they have no idea what kind of earplug would be best for preventing ruptured eardrums again. They offered swimming plugs without vents, but from what I heard non-vented could increase the chance of rupture. Anyone here know a good manufacturer I can get custom earplugs that would be best for preventing another rupture?

Thanks heaps in advance.

SURFPLUGS Uk…Custom colours the lot. A bit pricey but they do work.



You’re on a surfboard makers forum asking about a divers issue…
To wear earplugs that either make the problem worse or don’t do anything…

I have a pair of earplugs that let sound in but not water… Something like that isn’t going to help at depth…

Thanks alot, I’ll check into that!

Well the issue is really concussive impacts during surfing (kook slams and bitch slaps), has nothing to do with diving.

I took a rail to the ear, in a wipeout at WindanSea, in 1961.      Folded my left eardrum in half.       Pain, and severe vertigo followed.   I stayed out of the water for several weeks.     Doc’s advised against ear plugs.      The best wave of your life, is not worth permanant ear damage.      Err on the side of caution.

Vertigo Sucks! I’ve gotten it enough to have it checked out and the doc saw signs of slight bony growth in my ears (not causing vertigo). He suggested plugs. Did your doc suggest any other preventative measures or treatments?

The severe vertigo resulted from the intrusion of cold seawater into the middle ear.     As soon as the water warmed, the vertigo cleared.      My middle ear had to have the water, sand, and seaweed, vacuumed out.    Then the eardrum was repositioned in place, and allowed to heal.       I just had to stay out of the water for a few weeks, while the eardrum healed.     The whole thing was NOT a very pleasant experience.

A waterpolo hat with the ear protection. Will help protect your ear from hitting your board, but may fail on a severe impact.

FCS type surf hats have a strap that goes over the ear, may help to keep water from slamming into your ear. I wear the bucket hat to keep sun off my forehead. You’ll get a funny tan though.