i checked the archives on this but wanted an updated version…cutlaps… how is it possible to get a smooth precise cut? smooth enough so that a pinline is not needed. what type of magical cutting tool is used. Gene Cooper is a glassing god. it’s amazing what he is able to do/././././././…how???
Teddy, I think the answer is … very carefully…! Joking aside I think that’s it, but maybe someone here has a technique that would be helpful. (?) I’d like to hear it as well since my ventures into pinlining have been somewhat less than successful. Also - there are not too many tinted boards without pins that I’ve seen. I tend to think for tints they are almost necessary. But take a close look at G.Hunt’s retro gun here and you can see the clean-cut on the volon cloth used. you can see the same kind of thing on Bruce Jones site too. So it seems it could be done, but with a strong tint I would think any mistakes would be very noticable. Hopefully - the pros will chime-in. EJ>>> i checked the archives on this but wanted an updated version…cutlaps… > how is it possible to get a smooth precise cut? smooth enough so that a > pinline is not needed. what type of magical cutting tool is used. Gene > Cooper is a glassing god. it’s amazing what he is able to > do/././././././…how???
Your Rail Tool is ready…!!!.. http://www.hollowsurfboards.com/
Your Rail Tool is ready…!!!.. how can I get one? … thanks…
sweet…thanks paul. did you get my e-mail? wasn’t too sure if it went through. what’s the total$$ where should i send it?
yeah, i guess darker colors would hide the cutmarks a little better… we need some input…what do you guys cut with??
sweet…thanks paul. did you get my e-mail? wasn’t too sure if it went > through. what’s the total$$ where should i send it? I did not get your e-mail…$34…I’ll e-mail you my address…contact me :goofyfoot@thurston.com http://www.hollowsurfboards.com/
how can I get one? … Yeah… See below… http://www.hollowsurfboards.com/
razor knife, single-edge?