What do I do to feather in the deck cutlap (volan)on the bottom of the board?
What do I do to feather in the deck cutlap (volan)on the bottom of the > board? I’m not quite sure what it is you want to know.Do you have a cut lap on the bottom?If so you don’t want to sand it to much and expose weave.Best to do a coat of lam resin around the cut lap to give it a bit of fill.Then hotcoat the board as usual.Hope I helped…R. Brucker
You got it. I’m trying to avoid seeing the weave thru the hotcoat by sanding. I’ve tried basting before but the basted area ended up a darker shade than the rest.
You got it. I’m trying to avoid seeing the weave thru the hotcoat by > sanding. I’ve tried basting before but the basted area ended up a darker > shade than the rest. I cant figure out the darker shade thing…I assumed we were talking about a clear lam in poly resin.If it is epoxy I cant help.You can and will hit a bit of weave when sanding.If you are using volan your laps have to be really clean…by that I mean no floats of resin underneath.Volan has a tendancy to look white if you grind to much.Also put on a thick hotcoat (thin hotcoats are a common mistake)…R.B.