A friend of mine wants to cut the bed of a Skil 100 that he scored at a garage sale for $80. I told him to keep using his Makita and save the Skil but he won’t listen. Any suggestions on where to cut and techniques for finishing the bevel. Thanks
A friend of mine wants to cut the bed of a Skil 100 that he scored at a > garage sale for $80. I told him to keep using his Makita and save the Skil > but he won’t listen. Any suggestions on where to cut and techniques for > finishing the bevel. Thanks “”“”“”“”""i have one that i cut a long time ago(when they were easier to come by) and a full length one that i got more recently as a backup. the uncut one works fine, it just has a little different balance. i wouldn’t cut it.
AKA - your friend might consider putting that thing (uncut) on E-Bay. I believe the last one I saw fetched a pretty penny.
A friend of mine wants to cut the bed of a Skil 100 that he scored at a > garage sale for $80. I told him to keep using his Makita and save the Skil > but he won’t listen. Any suggestions on where to cut and techniques for > finishing the bevel. Thanks DON’T DO IT!!!
There is no need to cut it. When you plane, most of the time you are plane at a 30 to 45 degree angle from the string so the length og the skil doesn’t really hinder shaping. The full length bed feels nicer for bottom planiing anyhow. Hey, ask your buddy if he is willing to sell it???
You should leave it alone! The long tail on the Skil is beneficial in keeping a good flow to the curves. You just need to turn the machine a little more perpendicular to the stringer when making cuts where there is a fair bit of inside radius curve(at the noe, deck side. Deck rocker, etc). I have one stock and one with the tail cut. If you can only have one, keep it long. aloha