cyanide gas

I read the other day, i forgot where, that cyanide gas along with carbon dioxide is traped in foam when a PU blank is made. Is this a myth? If not, how much is released when shaping, and is it enough to be dangerous?

Carbon dioxide is present in all air and is exhaled by all animals and used by plants for photosynthesis so no to that.

In fact Carbon dioxide levels far higher then exist now has been present in the past and plant life literally explodes as a result!

It’s also used to make coke bubble!

The carbon bad crowd is using ignorance to sell carbon dioxide as bad and leverage industry killing taxes as a by product of the globull warming hysteria.

Want to fis what ails mother earth PLANT MORE TREES AND PLANTS!

Quit chopping down the rainforest!

**Replant what you chop down!

“I heard” Cyanide gas is present when you allow a ding to suck in salt water causing the foam to break down when exposed to sunlight and heat but I doubt at any level that would cause harm unless you eat the blank.

Cyanide is present in apple seeds it takes a fair amount of the substnce to cause lasting harm.


A quick GOOGLE search found


its already been done    try geting main stream to run with it haaaaaaa’’    haaaaaa’’