Dale & John

Sweet mention in TSJ! John, is that you riding in the pic?

Hi Gregg, Yes, that`s John Mellor… photo courtesy of Jeff Chamberlain.

he looks pretty Perky to me…

i like the speedy one just south of it

Yes, but… Los hombres del respecto no gritan los nombres y las localizaciones de ondas preciosas.

the only local there is the grayman and his lunch

Dale meant to say- “The men of the respect do not shout the names and the locations of precious waves.”

los caminos de las olas no tiene nombres en los ojos de los afectionados,El nombres solo esta por los hombres cordazones vivo en la mujer, LA MAR.Cuando ala playa ayi? … the paths in the waves have no names in the eyes of those who love them.The names are only for the mens hearts that live in the woman, The Sea. When will we be at that beach … there?..ambrose …writing spanish as poorly as writing engish makes language live

Oh,I thought you were trying to show pics in the triangle. You guys are ride the fence on this one.

Saw a young guy on a real nice lookin board at Malibu yesterday and asked him what kind of board it was… “Hunt Designs”, he replied. The only other board that caught my eye and prompted an inquiry was a late 60’s Gordan and Smith shaped by Skip Frye. Finely Foiled Rails…A beauty, workin real nice! Great work Gregg!! Roger


My heart is warm. Could be the vino though.

no its not the vino…your heart is just warm…ambrose…it refkects a state of being

not bad,ambrose…this will be the correct sentence:"los caminos en las olas no tienen nombres en los ojos de aquellos que las aman,los nombres solo son para los corazones de los hombres que viven en la mujer, LA MAR.Cuando estaremos en esa playa…alli? … the paths in the waves have no names in the eyes of those who love them.The names are only for the mens hearts that live in the woman, The Sea. When will we be at that beach … there?..ambrose …writing spanish as poorly as writing engish makes language live

danke professor printed that one right out for the archives…sure wish I had a copy of that other one I wrote’’ Vaquerros de las Olas’’ at swaylaholicks annomus 2003…lost like the pollen on the tide…only to drift to the horizon and feed the sunset golden ambrosia…ambrose…CUANDO CUANDO CUANDO CUANDO