Dale Velzy

I heard from a friend of mine on the mainland that Dale Velzy,s health is not real great, if anybody has more information I wish they would share it. Also, if someone knows his mailing address I would like to have so I send him a card or note. I worked for Dale in 1957 and 1958 making balsa boards.

viejo, I saw a buddy at the fish fry and the word is about 3 mo.to go. Throat cancer.

velzy lives in the hearts of men

on the verdant coast world wide the name conjurs memories

The great wizard of form and dream

has permeated our very being.

three months is a life time for us

and a noble heart of exuberance and lust for life

lead me to my glossing of a 7’2 this morning as sure as the sun rose

Dale Velzy lives and shall live

though the body only gets a hundred million miles

the man is responsible for a hundred billion smiles

Though I barely Knew ya

if ya see im say thanks from ambrose,son of ambrose

I’m gonna shape a Velzy

I got the blank

I can try to shape anything but they all come out beholdin’ to Dale Velzy


any denial is a farce

If you have been around surfboards and the surfing scene for any amount of time, whether you knew Dale Velzy or not, he has, although you might not realize it, been part of your life. He, along with a few others, is a pioneer of the surfboard business and the modern surfboard. When he made the Pig board surfing took on a big change. Live on Dale.

Dale isn’t doing too well. He beat throat cancer a year or so ago but now he’s dealing with lung cancer and other things.

whenever I talk to my dad about surfin,he always mentions Velzy.Velzy Jacobs boards.He grew up in the same place.He’s a star to me through my dad.


the man is responsible for a hundred billion smiles

I don’t know the man, but know the history. While that is impressive, at least to one of my generation, the most astonishing legacy the man has been establishing lately is through the much maligned surf media. He’s had a lot of press in recent years, enough that he should register on that exposure meter thing at Transworld Surf Business.

The guy is smiling in …every photo or video interview I’ve ever seen of or with him! He’s a poster boy for the surfing world I know and love and still try to keep two or three feet in: life as fun and adventure.

The first surfboard that I ever got to my feet on was a Velzy Balsa. That was 1959 at windansea. When I got out of surfing for 22 years, and came back the first board that surfed me like I liked was a Velzy. He new what was needed then and he knows what is needed now. We all need to put out good thought for the MAN. Live long Velzy for your are the MAN.


velzy lives in the hearts of men

on the verdant coast world wide the name conjurs memories

The great wizard of form and dream

has permeated our very being.

three months is a life time for us

and a noble heart of exuberance and lust for life

lead me to my glossing of a 7’2 this morning as sure as the sun rose

Dale Velzy lives and shall live

though the body only gets a hundred million miles

the man is responsible for a hundred billion smiles

Though I barely Knew ya

if ya see im say thanks from ambrose,son of ambrose

I’m gonna shape a Velzy

I got the blank

I can try to shape anything but they all come out beholdin’ to Dale Velzy


any denial is a farce

the sticker is worth …thousands alone.

To reproduce the sticker bigger than the Noll fin

would be a classic piece.

about 8’ accross

laminated inbetween silene glass;

whoa daddy.

