Daniel Graham's Board

Does anyone know some specs on the beautiful checkered board Daniel Graham rides? It looks like a fantastic performer!

When I was in C.B.‘s shop in November of 2003 it was in the for sale rack. It was about 9’ and pretty thin maybe 2 5/8. Some insane boards in that shop by the way. Wayne Rich makes some really nice boards.

It is my recollection that the board in question was a custom, that very well could have been a prototype for Wayne’s Pro-Modified Model, a high performance longboard that is a single to double concave, capable of riding relatively big surf while still nose riding very well and ripping of the tail. Graham only weighs about 140 pounds, so the thin boards are standard

The checkerboard work was by Chris Fallen (sp) of Ventura, one of the best surfboard artists in California, who worked for Clyde Beatty and others including Gene Cooper. Who ever bought this board got a keeper.

I hope someone in the know could fill in the details because my memory is questionable.

Yes Daniel told me it was a custom. I remember he said it was a combination of 2 boards that Wayne makes. I think he said it was a custom combo of the wildcard nr and the modern classic. I know it wasn’t the prototype pro model because Daniel pulled out his prototype bright yellow pro model that same day to show me the difference between the modern classic and the pro model since there were no pro models in the shop at that time. He and Wayne were trying to figure out the glassing of the pro model. As I recall the prototype was double 4 oz on the deck and single 4oz. Yes. I am a kook.