Dap Fast n Final or equivalent in Australia

Hi Guys

Anyone know where L can get Fast n Final or an equivalent in Australia?

Pretty sure I was able to get some about 10 years ago but cant remember where


I wouldn’t use “Fast & Final” and I don’t think anyone over here (US) uses it anymore.  UV Brightner has been put in it.  The color isn’t close enough to the color of Foam;  EPS or Polyurethane.  What you want to use is the average “Liteweight Spackle” that can be purchased at most Hardware or Paint Stores.  You can tell when you pick up the contrainer or tub.  It weighs like it’s half full.  Feels like there is almost nothing in it. Before you buy it, open the container and check for color.  If it is blue or grey looking don’t buy it.  Color needs to be White or at least Cream colored.  If there is a Sherwin-Williams down there, they make a Liteweight Spackle that I have been using the last couple of years.  Lowel.   PS.  Don’t use it straight out of the can.  Thin it with water.  You should not need to do anything other than screen it with a worn out piece of screen(gauze) once it is throughly dry.

Really?? Was great stuff when I used it 10 years ago

I will have a look around but if I cant find anything, which is looking that way, will go the epoxy/microballoon route, which I have not done before.



Oh!  Forgot to mention that Dap sands crappy now too.  They added Acrylic to it.  Acrylic balls up and makes little BB’s that grind into your blank as you screen or sand,

I used european brands light weight spackle, and like McDing found way more différences that i thinck between them. Anyway i came back to the epoxy primer (with or without micro) let a stiffer skin easier to work with spécialy for prep sanded laps.

This is true.  One of the best glassers in Hawaii (Dave Gott)has pre-primed with straight Epoxy Resin since the first days of glassing EPS Epoxy…  He would prime or seal the blank the night before(top and bottom).

Look for red devil products, I think I saw them on an AUS shaping supply site. 

Red devil onetime I think. 


I remember using red devil on my first eps/epoxy board. Didnt see it at bunnings but found two others. Poly filler quick dry and Selleys spakfilla rapid. Opened them up for a look and both very light and both very white. Could be my go to if it works. A few tests in order i think


Light weight and super white, it’ll work. Better to choose one that work indoor and outdoor. Otherwise shaper.au sell 411 filler, added to epoxy it make a strong epoxy spackle.


Can you get Sherwin-Williams products in Australia?

This red-devil product? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007M43WW/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_VjwcGbF61R111



I was thinking of this product, yes. 

Yes this is the kind of spackle use to seal surfboard eps blank. Just look at color often when they are white it’s write. Some are greyish or tan. Need to be cut with distilled water to whipped cream texture then it’s easy to spread right. 

Liteweight (which is why the call it “Liteweight” Spackle) and white in color.  That would be the stuff.  Thin it like lemat said and spread with a plastic squeege.  Thin with distilled water.  Fill the voids don’t coat the blank like you were painting it.  Let it dry throughly and screen with a dedicated worn out piece of 220 screen or as some say “gauze”.  Sometimes if you have larger holes it is necessary to dab unthinned Spackle into those holes with a finger.  Then squeege flat.