Date this Wardy?

Any ideas on the build date of this 9’7 Wardy I picked up last year?  Serial #4615.  

My 64’ custom Wardy had a first generation speed skeg, this fin/outline more piggy than mine.

Fin had been flattened from dragging (12 year east coast kid drug it to the beach and back), which I’ve repaired.



That board really has a 1964 to 1965 look about it.        Glass tailblock, out of scrap fin stock, makes me lean toward 1965.       About as clean a board, from that era, that I’ve seen.


thanks, Bill, very helpful.

Was a Craigslist find, sitting in a barn in the NE, picked up for way reasonable from the owner, a former Ron Jon surf shop manager back in the day who was clearing out his stash of old logs…packed and shipped via Amtrak by a volunteer east coast surfer I’ve never met…the tribe is strong