Daytona Beach Surf Shop Custom by Miller

A friend just aquired this board and wanted me to see what I could find out about it.  It is actually the board he learned to surf on as a child.  It really is in good shape.  I’d rate it a solid 8.5 on a scale from 1-10.  Its actually in better shape than these pictures even show.  Any info would be appreciated.  Any idea on value?  Hate to even ask.  I’m thinking $600 to $700 but I know little about this particular label.






I had a Miller years ago.  Lots of great memories on that board.  That logo was used from 62 - 66.  I think George was one of the first board builders here in Florida.

I don’t know what it’s worth, but if he wants to sell it, I’d snatch it up in a second.  Cool board.

Yes. Miller was one of the earliest East Coast labels. My best friend’s older brother had one back around 1965.

Too bad, it looks like the fin was reshaped. overall a nice board.

My first real board was a “radical” 6’10" from DBSS in the spring of '68. I loved hanging out in that place as a kid. I met Greg Loehr there in '69, when the Hobie team was in town for a promo. Greg was a 16-17 yr old hotshot, I was a couple of years younger and an impressionable grom lol. We laugh about that sh*t now.

Not sure on value of the board, but it brings back some fun memories…


Speaking of EC labels…did you see this thread, Mike? I’m stumped but I thought you might have a clue.

I saw that and had no clue also. Obviously a mid-80s 4-fin, but I’m not familiar with that label.

Cant say I know anything about them but I think they are listed on the Stanlys surf logo site maybe someone there could help .