deadshaper& reverb absent without leave???????????????????



**ok so i will entertain myself rather than bother with  the juvenile antics over on the **

bummer, i was excited for this!







Looks like an automated lap cutter!

How’s this for entertainment?

laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes!

Yeah maybe if I pop off about how bad reverb’s English is they’ll get started.



Good effort Huie.  They’ll come around and start something classic,  I’m sure.  DS is probably busy with all those orders for boards.  Reverb’s probably tuning his guitar.  But hey!  What do I know.  I’m just a ding repair guy who thinks he’s a shaper.  PS  I always wanted to ask you if you knew a guy in the past by the name of Starbros(sp)??  He worked with Burt for awhile.  Pretty good surfer.  He’s stuck here in the US.   Visa ran out.   Lowel

That’s show biz






