in times past , you could run a corparation , send workers into an asbestos mine and make profit on there hard work , knowing full well the hazards , it was within the companies rights to withhold damaging information , maybe even blurt out some propaganda saying all the management use asbestos pillow slips or something …
ever since ive been in the surfboard industry , ive had to deal with false rumours being spread about the dangers of eps and epoxy …
in whose interests was it , for people to keep using toxic foams and resins containing huge amounts of solvents , both known to cause cancer and brain damage ??
in whose interest was it to make false accusations about resins and foams that in reality were far safer ??
you have crew who make , sell , and distribute raw materials to board builders , they feed the board builders propaganda about how bad epoxies are and , oh no we cant sell you eps blanks …
wake up crew , were in the 21st century …
and practices that were common in the 1800s , sending ignorant workers into the asbestos mines,so the company can profit at the workers expense are just plain wrong…
for years ive had to correct everyone i meet about the facts regarding the safety of epoxy resins and eps foam , now where did they get the wrong information from in the first place ???
yep , standard poopee industry propaganda , the status quo , had to resort to dirty tricks and actually spread lies …
now all im doing is actually highlighting the facts , facts which can easily be found …
whats the difference between outright misinformation and propaganda and the actual facts ??
the difference is whether resin and blank manufacturers can keep there monopoly, by treating customers like 19th century asbestos miners and keeping them in the dark and feeding them bullshit …
o but wait !!!
that bullshit has soul …
dont forget , we have staff to , its one of my responsabilities to make sure i have the facts about every chemical i could potentially expose a staff member to …
like i said the report was for internal use , it wasnt a marketing angle ??
i ended up finding and colating information that blew me away , some of which i thought would be of interest …
i also collected information on an array of different paint systems , foams , resins and so on …
its our job to educate anyone who we could potentially expose to danger …
its little wonder , the information would be viewed as skewed …
thats the way its been done by the blue corner for years …
now the red corner hold up a fact sheet , and the blue corner cry unfair??
when for all the years past , the blue corner held up a lie chart and spewed blatant propaganda and if anyone in the red corner even said boo or tried to argue against the status quo , they were held in derision and written off as having no idea …
i heard a classic comment the other day , from a guy who is developing some hot new technology …
he said " yea when they (poopee builders) finally wake up , they will feel like the guy who was the last to know his girlfriend has been cheating on him "
getting lied to all this time ??
now i agree with keith and some others who posted similar thoughts …
no chemicals are safe …
but compare the facts …
building one polyester board with p/u resin, a full spray , and protek finish , creates 23 times more VOC’s and dangerous toxins , than building a modern epoxy/eps …
to be honest , before i went looking for the facts , i was thinking that an epoxy board might be half or maybe 30 or 40% less toxic , but not 2300% less toxic …
those figures shocked me …
holly was right , the stuff really is evil …
slim if you want to wallow in the cyanide gas and dangerous VOC’s , ogle your soulful creation while bowing to its creator, go for it …
im agreeing with meecrafty …
and while im at it , ive noticed a lot of so called backyarders and non experts who step up in support of the status quo , who seem to drop the ocasional comment that gives the impression they know more than there letting out …
do we really have swaynonomous poopee builders posing as concerned loyal advocates of the craft ???
no wonder its a dying industry …
have i crossed the line again ? by highlighting a few simple facts …
have i shattered somebodies world of ideals ?
have i disrepected those held in high esteem ?
o well …you get that when you highlight the facts …
someone accused me of not doing my cause justice by bagging poopee , when i should be spruking up how good my stuff is …
other wise i could be turning people away …
i took that comment seriously , and decided that any future references to poopee should be factual and not my opinions …