Hoping to get some experience here before I potentially ruin a board.
My question is: Will this be strong enough?
I’m doing three different sections on the surfboard deck and wanted to have super clean lines. To get that I was going to do cutlaps on the deck without much overlap. Now I’m worried that those seams will be a breaking point.
so is this strong enough? Board is 7’2. Three different pieces of 6oz cloth butt jointed longitudinally covered with one full piece of 4oz S cloth.
Are you saying that you have three long skinny strips of 6 oz cloth , ? put the first strip down the center , try to make a good clean job of it , let it go off , then glass the two sides ( pretend that the center strip is all part of the two sides ) overlaping the center strip by about an inch on each side with the side pieces , cut and trim your rail wrap , let it go off clean it up then glass whole deck fill coat, sand ,it will be strong and you will rub wax all over it , no one will ever know , except us .
Next time you might consider cutting your patches with an arc on either end, or using a “V” shape like you do with a fin patch for a singlefin. I’ve laid 2 layers of cloth at opposing diagonals for deckpatches before; if you lay them at 30* angles instead of 45* then you have fibers running in 8 directions from the center instead of 4 directions, none of which run perpendicular to the rail.
If this was my board, I would add a strip of 2 or 4oz covering the aloha fabric and extending 1 inch onto each tinted panels then finish with a full deck cap of 4oz. Understand that you are trying to keep it flat but those 4 joints do not promote board strength like a full lam would.
Ok thanks for all the input. I’m going forward with one piece to cover the terracotta and fabric. It’ll extend past the fabric about 3" on either side. Then I’ll finish with 1 full lam of 4oz over the top.
didn’t want to get excessive with weight but that’ll add maybe 3/4 lbs. I’d rather it last and be slightly heavy.
The thing about 4oz is that due to its nature it gives. Under foot a pieced together deck will eventually collapse along the seams. The new foams are stronger than the “deck weak” Clark, but not that much stronger. To get the same effect I would have just painted the foam in the desired shades of red and put my flowered cloth fabric down under a deck of 6/4 or 4x4. Would have looked cleaner, especially if you taped off the stringer. Making for contrast of the red against the wooden stringer. There would have been no strength issues.