So I found a source for EVA foam sheet at reasonable
prices with a small minimum order. I needed to make
some deck pads for lifeguard paddleboards because I’m
tired of fixing deck delams caused by thin decks and
knee paddling.
Metro Industries in Grandview, Missouri, carries all
kinds of foam and rubber. This is the price list for
And this is the properties list:
I got 2 full 49" x 90" sheets of 4 pound per cubic foot
density EVA foam in 3/8" thickness, in grey. I believe black
is also available, but I wanted to cut down on heat buildup
while the boards are sitting out in the sun. It feels like
pretty much the same stuff from which my Force Field
lifeguard competition board’s knee pads are made.
Their minimum order is only $45, which is waaaaay lower
than the other suppliers of foam I’ve found. The EVA foam
is available in sheets from 1/16" thick to 2" thick, and
they carry a few blends of neoprene foam, too.
I ordered the foam, it showed up here on Cape Cod about
a week and a half later. No problems.