Deck Patch Question

Stupid question of the day. Every board I have ever glassed has been a shortboard that received one layer of six ounce cloth on the deck. I have a shaped longboard sitting in the garage and I want to put a double six layer on the deck. How? Do I just lay two layers of cloth on and go at it or do I lay up one layer and later come back and put another layer on top of it?

I have limited experience (I have done this on a paddleboard) so there are surely others here who can give more insight… The 2nd layer of cloth is done separately (or at least this is how I did it). I found the 2nd layer easier to lam since the resin beneath remains tacky. Once the fabric was in place the second layer could be worked a bit more agressively than over the board itself to get any bubbles out. There is also the factor here of how you want the layers… I did first top layer, then a bottom layer overlapping the top, then the final layer on top with a smaller lap. Sand. All free-lap, no trimming. Mine worked fine but it was what ‘seemed’ right, not what I had learned anywhere. hope this helps. EJ>>> Stupid question of the day. Every board I have ever glassed has been a > shortboard that received one layer of six ounce cloth on the deck. I have > a shaped longboard sitting in the garage and I want to put a double six > layer on the deck. How? Do I just lay two layers of cloth on and go at it > or do I lay up one layer and later come back and put another layer on top > of it?

…the stupid question is the one that never got asked. Lay out your deck patch or full first layer, cut flush to top edge then lay your top layer over and cut long enough to free lap or cut lap. Lams/logo go between the two. Make sure you allow for the added volume of resin needed to saturate two layers. Keep in mind you will need more time to work out the air and fully saturate both layers, catalyze accordingly. Tom>>> Stupid question of the day. Every board I have ever glassed has been a > shortboard that received one layer of six ounce cloth on the deck. I have > a shaped longboard sitting in the garage and I want to put a double six > layer on the deck. How? Do I just lay two layers of cloth on and go at it > or do I lay up one layer and later come back and put another layer on top > of it?

…the stupid question is the one that never got asked. Lay out your deck > patch or full first layer, cut flush to top edge then lay your top layer > over and cut long enough to free lap or cut lap. Lams/logo go between the > two. Make sure you allow for the added volume of resin needed to saturate > two layers. Keep in mind you will need more time to work out the air and > fully saturate both layers, catalyze accordingly.>>> Tom Using UV reacted resin gives you plenty of time to work with the cloth. Thanks to the guys here and Fiberglass Hawaii in Santa Barbara for the info–the guys at Fiberglass Hawaii are very cool and up on the tech.