Dedicated to Keith Melville, Robin Mair, all gun lovers...

Also forgot to mention how much I agree with the hippier, looser outlines. For anything other than death-defying waves, it’s great to be able to “hot-dog” on those great big canvasses provided by bigger waves. My own favorite Sunset boards from my years there had the same hippier templates that were used for Pipe, as compared to the pulled-almost-straight tail outlines favored by many at Sunset in that era (early-to-mid-70’s).

Reverb, I put both rockers vertical to allow a better comparison between both. Still not easy as both photos aren’t on the same scale and angled differently, but still it seems like you are right. Keep in mind that our waves (I mean those that this board is intended to ride, i.e. Parlementia, Guéthary) may have size but they are probably much less hollow than hawaiian waves of the same size. The game at Guéthary is to get into the wave and make the drop but from there it’s really not an extremely challenging wave. You’ll be better off with paddling power than with something made to handle big tubes. Hence a more drawn out rocker as compared to Robin’s.

“Keep those guns coming!”

Yes!!! Let this thread be the “official gun thread”! Come on, post your guns here!!!

well OK

heres one I made for my surfin buddy Fred, its an 11 ft’r, and yes the gun guru’s here on Sways helped me sort out the #'rs

also is a 9.6 fun gun I did awile back

My first and probably only attempt at a true HI. Gun. 10’2" with a glass on.

I love this thread. These boards really get my heart going!!

Nice looking Board Balsa! Thought I would share this Gun By Eric Arakawa.

Mahalo, Larry

I think you already posted this one a while back, didn’t you? And I think I already told you how much I loved it. Well, I think I’m gonna say the same thing again: I love this outline.

Thanx Balsa, I figured I’d throw it in the Gun Thread. I’m still beaming with pride on this one. I hope this thread stays alive for a bit and we get lots of Gun pics out of it.

Love the diamond tail on your gun! Glassed heavy? Mine’s double 6 top and bottom.

Double six on top but only single six bottom. That’s lazyness on my part: I didn’t want to perform the acid splash through two six oz layers and adding a clear six oz afterwards definitely would have added lots of weight. Now, weight isn’t such an issue with those boards, especially when thinking of the upward wind factor which is almost always present…

Already posted a good while ago, too, but MY pride, is this 8’4" that I glued curved stringers in myself. I gave this board to Jeffrey but I don’t think he has had the opportunity to ride it since:

Aloha SurfDad:

Very nice, very old school!

I have attached a couple of photos of one I made with very similar lines. It was about 9 or 10 years ago for Felipe Pomar (that’s him in the photo). I found it interesting going back and looking at this board compared to what I’m shaping for him these days. This board was around 11’ 7" if I remember correctly.


I’ve always loved gunny boards, even if, where I live, there are few if any days you really need one (this winter there really wasn’t a single day that called for a full California gun (7’-6"+).

I asked this question on the SurfermagBB and kind of got laughed off, but do any of you ride your guns when it’s small, just to enjoy the glide?

Aloha Balsa:

I remember this board, I love the pulled tail on it. Man, I love the lines of guns.

Here are some photos of a board I have also posted in the resources some time ago that is one of my favorites. She is a 12’ 6" hollow balsa board once again made for Felipe Pomar.

This gun thread is great, keep them coming!


Aloha llilibel03:


That is one of the most fun things to do with a gun is ride it on small days. It is amazing what you can do with them and they are so much fun. Some of the real big guns I make are ridden on small 4’ days and it is just a blast. You can paddle in really early and race any section that shows up. Plus you can get pack out in a heartbeat because they paddle unreal. They are almost more fun to ride on small days for a totally different surfing feeling. A lot of the 9’ 6" guns that I made are almost ridden more in smaller surf than the death defying stuff, because there is so much more smaller surf, and the guys I have made them for just love the feel of riding those boards.

So being laughed off by people just shows their lack of understanding of the stoke that can be had from riding boards like these in smaller waves.

It is also a good way to stay tuned into the board so that you are prepared for it when the REAL waves show up.


…Hello Balsa,

that 3 stringered sports a fantastic outline

very smooth and tube ride style

…hello Handshaper,

that Balsa gun is killer!

has the smoothest outline in a big gun that I ever saw

the fin looks more than 10", isn t it?

-several years ago a friend visit Pomar in his Peru house and told me he s got piles of semis and guns

so may be lot of shapes from you in that Peruvian collection

Aloha Reverb:


Yes! Your observation is correct the fin is indeed larger 10", it is 11" if I remember correctly.

Felipe has a whole condo full of boards here on Kauai, I think there are at least 6 or 8 of mine in there, but I know some of them have also gone off island. He likes to keep boards around. I think he has about 30 or more over here, very nice collection.

I’m about to add another one to his collection as I will be shaping him a new 12’ balsa gun this week!


Very interesting shape, looks like a shortboard outline. I’ve noticed that some guns have realy narrow tails and some look like stretched shortboards. I’m wanting to attempt to make my first gun/semi gun and I made a template that looks like a long shortboard (the template is 7’6" ) but I was thinking 7’10"x20-20 1/2"x3" with a narrow squash tail and more than likely will never be ridden in surf bigger than 10’-12’ . and what are your thoughts on rail shape?

" So being laughed off by people just shows their lack of understanding of
the stoke that can be had from riding boards like these in smaller

I have always said that if I was being laughed at in the parking I was ON THE RIGHT TRACT!

Gotta have a clear vision and a thick skin

Watch any of the old Bruce Brown films and everyone except Greenough seems to be on a 9’6"+. I guess back then a lot of people had a1 board quiver and in Hawaii it was a big wave gun.