Delam on deck

Iv been looking on the resources on the tidest way to sort out a delam on the deck of a mates poly kane garden fish but i was thinking of just trying to cut across one third of the oval and try clean it and dry it as much as possible and then mix up some resin and cabosil and then weight the deck back down and when all is said and dry, sand down the excess and paint a lair of resin over it?

Would the resin hold it or am i just being too simple bout the whole process?

Thanks for the time


no cabosil. just straight lam resin.

drill a hole at either end of the delam.

squirt it full of resin, and weigh it down with some sandbags covered in wax paper.

should be good as new.

No need to clean and dry?

thought the resin wouldn’t take and thing would just spread further

thanks for the time

shouldn’t be wet or dirty unless the glass is cracked. a simple delam is…well…simple. if it’s full of sand and saltwater, things get a bit more complicated.

resin will stick the original glass back down to the deck where it belongs. cabosil is a thickener. it’s good for filling holes (and even then, there’s things i’d rather use). not good for much else. remember…you aren’t trying to fill in the bubble created by the delam…you want to stick that glass back down where it belongs.

Good points. Not all delams are created equal. More detail will get you better answers to your problem. Small, clean delams with solid foam underneath are simpler than a big nasty waterlogged buckle with a bunch of crushed foam.