delam repair - resin not hardening, how long to wait?

Hi everyone,

My first post, and regarding my first delam repair.  Did my hw-- read delam repairs for over a week and then went for it last weekend.  I used about 4oz of resin, added q-cell until it was about the consistency of light yogurt, mixed in 8 drops of mekp (one quarter of what was called for).  Went low on the MEKP because it gave me more time and because I read using less might lead to a stronger bond (incorrect?)  Yesterday it was still tacky/sticky on the surface (when I pulled the wax paper back).  I have a bag of sand and diving weights on top to make sure it dries flat.  In the garage which is about 55F.  Used sanding resin (not lam resin).

WILL IT EVER DRY?  To do the delam repair I cut around the edge on one side of the delam.  Lifted up gently, vacummed the dust (very little) and then poured in the mixture making sure it really got around everywhere.

Any advice???

Thank you for any help…

Did the resin in the bucket go off? Try to bring up the temp and it still may go off. If your resin gelled but is still stickey it may be that the wax didn’t float up to the surface. I would put some saran wrap on it and make a cardboard hot box with an open end and blow some hot air on it.

I mix in the MEKP with the resin before adding any fillers and use UV resin + a little MEKP in cold weather.

Give it some more time and see what happens.

If it does not harden clean it out and start over.

Start over. Not enough hardner + low temp = fvcked.

Using less hardner does not mean reducing the amount by 75%.
If your working temp was 55 and you intended to use 4oz of resin, you should have used MORE than the “8 drops per oz” standard. Temperature makes a big difference in resin mixing. You would have gotten a slow kick even with 10 drops per oz. If it kicked at all.

Thank you SammyA!

Thanks for the reply lavarat