Where are you folks getting your “durable high performance resin” from? I like some! Sources? Mahalo, nui…T.
Where are you folks getting your “durable high performance > resin” from? I like some! Sources? Mahalo, nui…T. AST (619)325-2575 www.astsurf.com
Could you please tell me what DHP resin consist of? Is it polyester-based? Thanks
Could you please tell me what DHP resin consist of? Is it polyester-based? > Thanks The website will tell you about relative physical characteristics. But, I do not have any first hand information on the chemical make up.
this stuff sounds very good. anyone know who manufactures it? or where it is available?
this stuff sounds very good. anyone know who manufactures it? or where it > is available? Mark Tolan is the inventor/CEO. AST glasses a bunch of different makes of boards with it. I am not sure about availability of bulk material.
Hi Teddy, I think this is the “eco-friendly” resin we discussed earlier.