DHP...Who? When?

HAs anyone tried the DHP resin? Is it as easy to work with? pros/cons of DHP? Can Clyde Betty Jr still make those beautiful resin jobs in DHP? Thoughts on DHP Kokua?

Howzit Slingblade, DHP will most likely be used first by the big manufacturers because of the set up costs involved. I would get the info from Mark and read it. There are issues that they need to work on and they’re in the process of doing just that. As far as Clydes resin work is concerned I need to reread the info to answer that. You can’t just use any paint ( need to buy special paint from the co.). You also can’t apply Laminates, they have to be stenciled on the sanded finish.You need a drying box to cure the boards( 18 to 36 hours ) which will definitely drive up your electric bill( can’t say how much)Plus resin cost( $800.00 for 5 gals.) is very high. I personnally see this as the technology of the future because the boards will be much stronger and pollution from the process will be minimal. Once again get the info and see what hte future holds in store for our business. Aloha, Kokua

DHP is a standard urethane resin. Not much trick about it at all. It has much better flexural strength than standard polyester resin which means it doesn’t ding very easy. However it does ding and it does dent about the same as a custom epoxy board. Its break strength is slightly better than polyester boards but lower than epoxy boards. I’ve been eager to test it against our 2020 resin which has, I believe, similar flex characteristics but it’s hard to get a hold of the stuff. No one I know has any. We don’t use much 2020 on boards because you lose stiffness, which we like. I do realize that there is a segment of surfing pubic that believes that a more flexible board is better. I’m not in agreement but we do make resins with two different flex patterns for anyone who desires this. On the production side DHP is VERY difficult to use. Difficult mix ratios, difficult viscosity’s, heat curing, standard labels don’t work, no airbrush and it’s doubtful that color in the laminate will work. That gives this industry a lot to work out. After what I’ve been through I doubt it will work out. And then there’s the advances in epoxy which can be made to be virtually the same as a urethane resins at better prices and without the production hassles.

Thanks Greg, I thought it was just urethane. Not having seen it and not having a MSDS I wasn’t sure. Is this a MDI or TDI based urethane? I am guessing the high cost is due to it being a clear urethane. They are typically priced in the $8 to $10 lb price range. I played around with some urethane on stryofoam a few years ago, it was interesting but not worth the extra cost. If I was going to play around with Urethane in the future I would get involved with someone very experienced in unique urethanes such as BJB in Tustin California. I would also not bother with Clear and move on to Opaque colors. Sluggo

…I saw a big name board done in DHP.It was being shown around by a big co.fin rep…it maybe stronger,lighter…blab,blab,blab,but the bottom line is,IT LOOKED LIKE SH*T!!!Gross,gobby,thick,CRAP COLORED paint,with a rail seam that make it look like a popout reject…I see very little advantages here for DPH.Just another marking scam in my opinion…and If I want a board to look like my 3yr old built it,I’ll have Keani build one,THANKYOU!Herb

Not to detract from the points that Greg or Herb made. But, I have seen several DHP boards that came out beautifully. Although they definitely do need to work through some processing issues. The key benifit I see from DHP are two fold. First is minimal VOC emissions. Here is California there have been periods when the AQMD has been excessively aggressive in restricting Volatile Organic Compound emissions which resulted in research into these low emission products not only resin, but also solvents and paints. Second is they are incredibly strong in there flexular modulus. Meaning that they are very tough to snap. The down side is that they are also harder to sand. But, I have seen boards laid down on concrete floors and jumped on hundereds of times over the course of a three day ASR show. They pressure dinged. But, they did not buckle and their schedule of laminant was extremely light. Greg has been the first one to admit that in the beginning the epoxies he was working with had some major issues. He and his crew have worked dilegently for many years to resolve these issues and from the reports I have heard they have made major progress. So, I find it interesting that Greg is being so critcal of the potential for a competing medium. I believe that Greg’s product has a great future in the near term and that DHP may eventually work through their issues and become worth while to use outside of their facility. But, at this point they are the only ones I’d recommend to glass boards with their resin.

I aggree with Sluggo.These clear resins that we use are the bottom of the barrel.There are better resins (poly and epoxy} that don’t cost that much more.Whats the problem??Ugly color.So what’s wrong with an opaque lam that is stronger and blocks UV rays?I guess airbrushes and cool logos are more important.Just another opinion. R.B.

I didn’t mean to sound so critical but I’ve been there. The amount of work these guys have in front of them to finally produce a usable system is something I don’t think they realize at this point. Right now they are just some kids who are beginning to learn how to make boards. Making boards after a couple hundred is hard enough using traditional materials but when your trying to reinvent the wheel at the same time… I will be interested in seeing if they have the fortitude to stick it out till the end. In the meantime I wish them all the luck.

Go for it Greg…you have always been out front.You have taken it on the chin a bunch of times and it won’t be the last.Most folks just stick with the norm and are happy, at least you ae doing something instead of talking about it.(Like me). R. Brucker

all I know is, I cant stand the surftech boards as far as the ride…and regular boards will ding and crack if you look at them wrong. I would be stoked if DHP would give me the same feel as what I have now, and make my board last much longer…without the pressure dings, cracks ect. Thanks to everyone who answered…thanks [smile]