Dick Catri yardsale find

I posted this on an existing thread I found by searching.  Then I noticed it was in the archives folder, so it didn't show up on "discussion".  I'm moving it over here.  I picked this eggy Catri up at a yardsale, with the intent of fixing the dings as best I can, and selling it.  Its about 5'6" (I haven't measured), with very little rocker.  Resin pin lines.  No leash plug.

Fix and ride!!

Sweet find Huck, i'll take it off your hands if you like ??




Definitely early 70s vintage. It probably never got much use. Having the leash attached at the fin always led to the leash ripping through the tail at some point when stressed at the wrong angle. Or, the fin box was completely ripped out in some cases. Is the deck all suntanned, or is that another color next to the yellow? Looks like UV browning, to me. Still, damn decent condition for the age.

thanks for the replies. 

Beerfan - I'd love to fix and ride myself, but its been a long time since I could ride a 5'6".  I'm hoping to fix and pass along to someone who will appreciate it.

Bret - gladly, if we could work out the details.  Aren't you in Oz?  Makes the logistics kinda tough.  PM me if you're serious.

Sammy - the orange on the deck is a faded orange tint.  Thanks for helping me place it on a timeline.


That was almost certainly made at Dick's early '70s factory on US 1 in what is now Palm Bay. Back then it was just US 1 south of Melbourne. I used to go there to try and get blanks and materials. Dick would charge me an arm and a leg cuz he didn't like backyarders very much, lol.

What Greg Loehr said in the archive thread applies to that one if we've got the time frame correct. All-star (or future all-star) crew at that old barn of a factory.

Are there any markings on the board?

Hi Huck, 5'6" is just my size but I am in a logistically difficult location. 

Ive had quotes to ship boards from US of $800, so I'll pass, but it was a hopeful /wishful idea. Thanks.


That was almost certainly made at Dick's early '70s factory on US 1 in what is now Palm Bay. Back then it was just US 1 south of Melbourne. I used to go there to try and get blanks and materials. Dick would charge me an arm and a leg cuz he didn't like backyarders very much, lol.

What Greg Loehr said in the archive thread applies to that one if we've got the time frame correct. All-star (or future all-star) crew at that old barn of a factory.

Are there any markings on the board?


Just the Catri Surfboards triangles on the deck.  And "1012" on the tail, but it doesn't look like its on the foam.

It figures there'd be nothing but a #, but I had to ask. The double logos and unusual color make me think that board wasn't just a regular stock board. Any background from seller about how it ended up in your area?

Young man, he told me it was his dad's, didn't have time to chat much as I had to run, but that's all I know.

the tail was built up with layers of glass

The nose was in a little better shape, still needed a bit of fill and glass

The glassing was done by Freddy Grosskreutz, shape by Greg Loehr, Joey Thomas or Johnny Rice, Pin lines by Tommy Maus or  myself

Hey JTG, thanks for that!  The glass job seems first class - I've been sanding extensively as I fill and then feather all the little dings, and have yet to hit weave, except a small patch in the rail lap at the tail, where I think the glass was crunched by the damage.

I'm filling all the divots, dimples, and creases on the bottom, bringing it back to its original shape.  Here you can see where I've put a small patch of glass on all the low spots, then I feather the edges and blend until the surface is back to where it started.

The deck not so much - I'm planning on leaving the pressure dings (there's only a few) as part of the original's "patination" LOL.

Then, after all the ding repairs are finished, I plan on adding a new gloss coat, and polishing it out.

A note on the fin box - the fin screw threaded plate seems to be "captive" - no way to take it out, or get a new one in.  The old one seems fine, just a touch of rust maybe from the rusty screw I removed.  But the threads are clean, so I guess no need to worry.  Just wondering if that was common at the time?

On the tail - as I built it back up from the missing chunk, I left just a hint of a pintail, although it could have been rounded just as easily.  Any ideas on what the original would have had?

Also - would it be sacrilege to add a leash plug?  The board is too small for me to ride.  I'm just gonna clean it up, and sell it for whatever I can get.

I do have what I think is the original fin also, but it has some issues, and needs a bit of work, so I'll approach that separately.

Any imput appreciated.

Thanks again to all who have checked out my yardsale project!

Is the Catri for sale?

Yes.  All the dings have been repaired, the board is water tight again.  (I have the original fin, as seen in the photo, but it needs work before you could use it.)  I have to check the shop to make sure its still available, but I'm pretty sure it is.  I would like $280 for it.  It is 6' 0" x 21".  PM me if you want to discuss it. 

thanks, Huck