I bought a fishll leash plug from foamez and it doesn’t have anywhere to tie the string onto. He sold me it while I was there and it is just a round piece of plastic! Also I want to buy this red opague stuff from foamez and this is my first board and I am ready to glass and I don’t know if I will be able to do alogo with this opaque. Can someone tell me the procress of installing a logo and the leashplug I have.
The O’fish’L stick on leash plug looks like a disk, but there is definitely a hole in the plastic
to thread your leash string through. Is the plug an in-the-board type? These have a molded lid
that gets ground off after install. The lid keeps the resin out of the plug hole during install, so
be sure the plug is sunk to the right depth if this is the type of plug you have.
To put logos on opaque boards, we “float” them after lamination, but before hotcoating. A variation
is to apply the logo after sanding the hotcoat but this can be messy…
Basically, to float onto the open lamination, the board gets glassed with the colored resin, then
after the resin is cured enough to handle, apply the logo with clear resin and a piece of fine cloth
(4 oz) to just cover over the logo. You can then continue with the hotcoat but beware of spurs
on the edges of your logo patch.
A trick way to float logos is to use two pieces of 4oz cloth where the first one is just larger than the
logo and the second one is much larger still. This second layer is intended to come off, so DO NOT
wet the edges. Be sure you have plenty of clear lam resin around the perimeter of the first cloth
patch, this helps fair in the first layer to the lamination. The hard part is gel-timing. Once the resin is
firm, but not hard, gently and slowly peel the top layer ONLY off the board. SLOW. This will reveal the
second layer smoothly faired into the lamination and ready for a clear hotcoat. No chances of scarring
due to fairing/sanding as with using one layer only.
Hope this helps.
Ive been glueing them ofish’l plastic things on deck
and tying the rope onto it always slips off.
to know that all you have to do is
sink it and grind it…Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle
the secrets people keep from others…
is it intentional? sometimes you might wonder.
It just goes to show that there are some helpful spirits still about.
praise to Plus One
just a smart alec
Ambrose, try duct tape on the little plastic thing. they stick to the deck better and it gives you something to tie to.
Okay thanks guys, I am going to glass this weekend, I think my plug is the one that gets ground off, I don’t know what good it will do , can someone explain this? Also why are you suppose to put tape on whil doing the hotcoat? THanks
Also why are you suppose to put tape on whil doing the hotcoat? THanks
To prevent resincicles.
resincircles whats that?, sorry about all these questions but I don’t have anyone else to ask and I am new to all of this.
when you apply the resin you get drips going down the rails. (icesicles/resinsicles…get it) The drips adhere to the tape not the board. When the resin gets tacky peel the tape off and you do not have to deal with sanding down the “resinsicles”
okay so how does the hotcoat get to the part of the board that is under the tape
that part of the hotcoat you are referring to is already applied from doing the flip side.
download the surfboard design and construction 1977 pdf
and read pages 65 and 66 of the pdf.
Drad, carefully drill a 1 inch hole in the foam using a hole saw from the hardware, before the dry glass is drapped on, deep enough so that the little leash plug will just fit with the ridge sticking out and the edge of the plug flush with the foam deck. Mark the depth of the hole on the hole saw with masking tape so you don’t drill too deep or shallow. Drape your glass on the deck as you would to lam the deck and then pull it back so that the plug is showing. Mix your resin for the board, pour the a little in the leash hole that you drilled about 1/4 full ( assuming you drilled the 1 inch hole, not 1 1/4) (too big casues problems). Stick in the leash plug, and drape the glass over the tail of the board. The plug should just barely fit the hole. Laminate as usual. The leash plug should stick up a bit so that when you sand the board you will sand off the top of the plug exposing the open leash plug where you can tie your line.
As you are glassing, you may need to put a little razor blade cut across the plug so that the glass will lie flat on the plug and the ridge of the plug will protrude up (to eventually be sanded off exposing the open hole in the plug).