I am really confused by the resin at surfsource.net. Im doing an EPS epoxy lam and hot coat on my 7’0" and well, they only have one epoxy set. It doesn’t say what application its for. Other sites have said things like “laminating resin kit” and “Hot coat resin kit”. this just says “epoxy resin kit”. can someone explain whats up? and more importantly, can i use that resin for both lam and hot coat? (reason im asking is cuz its like $40 cheaper to buy from them.
If thats the case, why do I keep reading that Lam coat comes out sticky to the touch? is it the catalyst that makes the difference? or is it dry time?
Lam coat comes out sticky when it’s polyester resin that’s used, not epoxy.
…that’s why, when using polyester resin, you will use first laminating resin (which will remain sticky, allowing the next coat to bind chemically), then “hot-coating” resin (which is exactly the same but for the surfacing agent it contains: wax in styrene. Wa, being lighter, goes to the surface and isolates the resin from air, allowing the resin to cure and to be sanded easily when hardened.) No such thing with epoy which cures completely.
If thats the case… Why do I need to Hot Coat over my lam coat if theres no difference (Im using an EPS blank so epoxy will be used)… is it to give extra material between my overzealous sanding and the fiberglass cloth? and if not, then can a hot coat be eliminated. finally, if there is no hot coat on an epoxy lam… what will happen? (sorry to ask so many questions… Its my first board and I have extreme budget issues… dont want to screw this up)
Scott -
“Hot Coat” is a term that really refers to the filler/sanding coat on a polyester resin glass job. It is mixed hotter than laminating and contains wax to provide a tack-free finish.
Epoxy resin glass jobs also have a filler/sanding coat but it is the same resin used for lamination mixed in the same resin/hardener proportions. It doesn’t have wax in it.
For some reason the polyester term “hot coat” has stuck. With epoxy, just think
of it as a filler coat and use it so you seal any pin holes aand don’t sand into the cloth weave.
Thanks a bunch for your help. Ill start calling epoxy 2nd coat, the filler coat from now on to see if it catches on. THANKS AGAIN!
I’ll post pics of my board when its done. If you want to see it in its final blank stage pre-lam, go to post “Mahalo to all who helped” I would really love comments and suggestions.