Different Fin Box Resistance Video

Interesting basic video on the ability of different fin plugs to resist a force

It's a FCS video so the results do swing in there favor, interesting comparison between the futures box and FCS fusion 









have your competitors product glassed at the local slop shop using inferior foam–tell em’ you need it right away

have your product glassed with top notch foam at a premier temperature controlled glassing facility. --tell them the board will be used for strength tests


Dont discuss the differences or the supposed sameness in the video



In reality, surface area wins. The larger or bigger footprint boxes are invariably going to be stronger

fin box is only as strong as how was the plug prep(achohol wipe, flam treated) before glassing, foam compression and tensile strenght and the skin materail surrounding the plugs so if the counterfeit plug have similar shape to the fcs plug, it should have the same break strenght. it will be nice to know how many time they test each style plugs. most fin failure are due to the low density foam surrounding the plug, assuming you have reinforce patch around the fin area.

It looks rigged to me.  Particularly the “counterfeit” plugs.  Watch how the resin around the plugs fail.  A little cabocil in the resin of those plugs would cause that effect.  I gotta call BS.

Good to see some real testing.

That said, I hope the data they're giving is an average of at least 10 trials with each. Single data points don't mean a whole lot when they are that close to each other. If you're going to publish results you need to do it right.

My takeaway is that all those test pieces, and almost all surfboards, have inferior fiber (and too little of it) over/around the fin system.

not sure if its because the x2 plugs are the most populare or what but i spend alot of time fixing those plugs, more than any other fin system

another thing i dont like about fcs is i see lots of people put holes in there boards just from putting the fins on or off the board, a builed in defect in my opion, you dont have that problem with some of the other fin sytems out there today

and i have seen boards when the fins blew out just from doing a bottom turn but in most cases though it seemed the main issue was just a vary lightly glassed board to begin with, destoned for failure

In each case the foam around the box or plug is moving before anything breaks loose.   The other thing I noticed is that with the under-glass installed X-2 the box broke is the same spot the Future box broke.  They just cut the video of the break short before it fully failed.  

definitely interesting to watch.

IIRC Herb Spitzer did his own test similar to this one...

I'd be interested to see an UNBIASED video with some more fin systems added to the test... Lokbox, Probox and 4WFS in particular.

All seems kinda moot to me tho. I've never seen anybody blow a fin doing a turn with any system installed correctly. Hitting a rock or something, yes but not doing a turn.


Yea I guess the video is a bit limited on the different types of fin systems. But still an interesting watch. 


And just a marketing spin for GENUINE FCS. 

So much for under-the-glass boxes (if you assume they were all installed correctly)

never knew the x2’s were stronger than the fusions

Only fake FCS, Futures, and FCS???


I wonder at what point all of this becomes overkill tho.

At some point, it’s good enough.