Digging out and replacing an Fcs 2 fin plug suggestions?

As far as I understand it they have a spring loaded metal pin in them so you cant just route them out and replace.

my thoughts.

  1. take out he grub screws, DUH!!!
  2. use the router to do a really shallow cut over the plug, removing the glass and the top of the plastic and then get a battery drill and drill around where the pin is and dig it out.
  3. then use the router and router guide to remover hte plug as normal
  4. then install the plug making sure its the same cant as the opposite fin.

anything I should consider

Skim the glass off the top.
Insert fin.
Wiggle a bit to break free.
Pull right out.

Has the fin snapped off in the plug? I’m a bit confused.

I had put a set of fins in the twinny fish from mal project and they looked way off cant, but they were hand made tabbed fins a friend had done for me, put a set of MR FCS templates in… and they are perfect.
I thought I was going to have to reset the fin plug,