Dimensions for behind-the-boat board?

Anyone have advice on dimensions for a behind-the-boat board? We’ve been riding our regular surfboards behind ski boats in fresh water for years, but I’d like to make something new just for that purpose. I was thinking the length would be 4’10" - 5’2". But has anyone made a board for this that they like and will share the specs for? Thanks.

yeah dude I made one about a year ago for the pourpose, it’s just not glassed yet…

Getting glassed this weekend though, but dims on it are 4’4x18.5x1.75" I belive… rocker is 3.25n and 1.5t, with single to double concave, hard rails the whole way, and a single fin (looks like a wide based thruster fin with less rake) 3" up from the tail (trailing edge). I did a single fin because there’s not really enough wake to surf a thruster, and you need more drive than a twin. I also thought twin with a trailer, but for short little pumps I thought it might spin out, and widdow maker/ 2+1 might work better, but if a single would work in the first place I don’t need the extra two.

1lb EPS, glassed with warp 6oz, two + patch deck and two bottom.

That’s to begin with, even though these are a step up from observations I’ve made riding my surfboards and skimboards, but I haven’t used it yet. when I do the dims will be tweaked a bit to try to improve it, maybe you could?

good luck!

Width and rocker dependen on boatspeed.

If you plan to wakeskate it without the rope, better go wide, short, flat rockered, and floatation don’t really matter since you don’t paddle it.

If your boat goes 32mph, better make it really narrow and well rockered.

Narrower if your boat is going 36.

At subplaning 12mph, a 19" wide board works pretty well, allowing you to gouge into turns and still plane from near the tail sweetspot.

As far as saltwater goes, I remember using a roundnose fish, 5’5x19, thruster setup which worked phenomenal for tow behinds… you could really skate all over with it.