I’m in the process of fixing up an old board for a friend, it has some deep dings that need to be filled. The problem is that, because the board is old and has yellowed and also has much water damage, If I fill the dings with straight Q Cell, the white of the fill will stand out too much from the surrounding area. Anybody have any tips for pigmenting or handpainting the Q CELL to match a yellowed, water stained board. Thanks in advance P.B.

I’m in the process of fixing up an old board for a friend, it has some > deep dings that need to be filled. The problem is that, because the board > is old and has yellowed and also has much water damage, If I fill the > dings with straight Q Cell, the white of the fill will stand out too much > from the surrounding area. Anybody have any tips for pigmenting or > handpainting the Q CELL to match a yellowed, water stained board. Thanks > in advance P.B. …mix alittle brown and yellow pigment,until you get the right color.OR PAINT(ACRYLIC) THE DINGJOB AFTER SANDING,THEN COAT IT WITH SOMETHING LIKE ,CLEAR KYRLON,GLOSS resin,ETC.Herb

HI P.B. Consider cuting into the blank deep enough to let in a foam plug gluing it in with lam resin mixed with glass Q cell or glass bubbles make it the glue lines fairly closet to the foam in color. Then do some experimenting with resin tints and arcylics to get as close as you can. Herb’s ideas are right on too. Good luck, Rich

I’m in the process of fixing up an old board for a friend, it has some > deep dings that need to be filled. The problem is that, because the board > is old and has yellowed and also has much water damage, If I fill the > dings with straight Q Cell, the white of the fill will stand out too much > from the surrounding area. Anybody have any tips for pigmenting or > handpainting the Q CELL to match a yellowed, water stained board. Thanks > in advance P.B. …This is a secret,so don’t tell a soul.Do your fill,tape it off.Air brush the color that you see on the board you are working on. It’s your eye against everybody else’s,so think of what will happen when you add glass and hot coat + a gloss coat maybe.And polish.My point is…After color it all turn’s to something else. Color wise that is.Air brush,wow. I saw a friend air brush a board so it looked like is was really old.DING’S AND ALL.It was a fine work of art.You to can do magic.Not mircale’s.Time is on your side.J.A.