Ding repair on a dory?

So there’s this old dory that hasn’t been in the water in like fifteen years since an oar lock fell out, and the trailer supports cracked the hull stiffeners all the way down both sides and the last guy who tried to fix it thought one layer of 10 ounce cloth was going to do the trick… And they figured, you know, since I do ding repairs on the rescue boards, and the dory’s fiberglass…


Howzit patrick, Fiber glass boats use very little woven glass but lots of mat. I use mat for all boat repairs.Aloha,Kokua

In the areas where I had to do some repairs and reinforcements for the stiffening ribs, I went with 7 layers, 4 of 3/4 ounce mat alternating with 3 of 6 ounce cloth. I guess I’ll see how that holds up once the boat’s back in service.