Ding Repair/Patching Before Glassing

I decided to delam and reshape my first board. The board worked but was too thick, all dims were off, and it just needed some adjustments. However, the board definitely has some magic and is for sure worth the effort of fixing. Plus there’s a lot to be learned with recycling/repairing old boards and using appropriate tools/materials.

Delam went fine except for the repair attempts I made prior. Along the rails the patchwork pulled much of the foam leaving chunking of missing areas. I managed to use a razor to cut the foam pieces stuck to the glass and fit them back like puzzle pieces using gorilla glue. Theres still a bit of patching to fill all the gaps/cracks and I’m unsure as what’s best to use. qcell resin mixture is only 1/5 lighter than resin alone and although it’s probably the strongest bond i’m not convinced it’s the best option.

I’m leaning towards either fast and final, fast and final thinned with water/qcell, or possibly elmer’s glue and qcell? Whatever is the least stubborn to sand.

Lastly I’ll spray the blank white for continuity.

The board is a Burch/Deepest Reaches/Misfit inspired Fish.


Worth working on as a lark on down time. But what S’Ray says; easier to get a new blank and reproduce the shape. Then you will have a new viable board and the re-work can be a loaner or backup. The old one will never be the same. Rails are most critical.

Fast and final is a pain in the ass to shape and blend with the foam as its so much harder.

Consider getting a new blank isn’t an option. There has to be an easy repair solution. Fast and final works ok but I’m not sure how good a decent sized fill would adhere to foam.

you’re working in the house!!! yikes!

I would just spackle as best I could and move forward. Anything you do will be less than ideal at this point, its just a matter of give it your best shot.

No reason it still can’t end up a decent board and lots of fun to ride.

Make a mix of EPS foam dust or foam shavings and liteweight spackle. That will do it. New formulas of "Fast n Final suck. Too much Acrylic. You can still buy house brand like Ace liteweight spackle. Feels like the tub is half empty when you pick it up.

Yeah the apartment is less than ideal to work in… Mcding you couldn’t be more right about the old formulas thanks for that suggestion. Cheers!

Have you ever tried working with this stuff? I used if before. It sands easily and sticks to almost everything.
Once you start using a can you should just use it all. The nozzle will clog up and you may only get 2 uses. Not sure if you should try the top first or bottom.
I’ve stripped and reshaped more than a handful of boards poly, EPS and XPS. I always start with something longer, wider and thicker than what I want to end up with. I almost always sand down to clean foam, but I have added some in bad dents or gouges. Never had anything as challenging as what you have there.

Worth a try for sure. I figure I’ll finish shaping first and patch afterwards. I’ll post updates with pictures. Appreciate your input.

Don’t finish shaping then add filler. Add filler, then finish shaping.
You will be losing foam every time you touch it with sandpaper.
You are so far from recovering from your mess. If you keep going, you will end up with a board for little kid.
Believe me, I’ve been there and done that. You don’t want to get to the point where it’s time to glass and the board is too small, too narrow or too thin for you.

Oh my
Are you friends with slimarzero? DAP products private labels for Sherwin Williams paint…go get the Sherwin Williams brand light weight spackle… it’s the same formula as the old FastnFinal product.

Or better yet, throw that thing in the trash and get a new blank. Time has money associated to it, please don’t waste yours… We can’t live forever, and some day you will wish you had this time back… spend your time wisely young man.