Ding Repair Price

How much are you all charging for dings?

I am in the middle of repairing a buckled grom board.

It’s a minor buckle that goes from the rail to just shy of the stringer on the bottom.

Stringer is intact.

The buckle wraps the rail but doesn’t go much past the rail apex.

I grinded/cut out the delammed glass and funky foam, filled with resin/microballoons, sanded to shape, 2 layers of 4oz, hotcoated, and will sand this afternoon.

What’s the going price for something like this?


I’m glad you started this thread.

I’m sure a lot of guys will chime in on how much they hate doing ding repair.  Because if you build boards and you have friends, you will be asked to do ding work.  And it will keep you from doing what you really want to do. And no one will appreciate how many time consuming steps are involve and why it should cost so much to do repairs.

I charge $25 per hour plus materials (including tape, and gloves, and etc).  And I offer for an extra $25 I will teach them how to ding basic ding repair.  No one has taken me up on that, which says a lot about the joy of ding repair.


Good luck with your ding work.  For some, it pays the bills.

all the best

He prices a buckle on one side (deck or bottom) at 60 - 80 bucks.

Nice shot. Did you make it out?

Some of the contract glass shops in OC and SD County’s post there ding repair prices on their websites.  Follow their lead.  A good starting point is to set a minimum.  A lot of shops start at $50 minimum.  The key to making any $$ at ding repair is to work on more than one board at a time.  It takes a little time to get a reputation that will get you to that point.   Until then one repair job at a time is beer money only.

Do you ding guys have any issues when the cost of the repair goes past the price of a new board? Are there customers willing to pay for this? I mostly do ding repairs on my project boards, not as a business, but I like it and wouldn’t mind doing it for other people. Is there a large demand for it? Do you think there’s a larger demand for ding repair or for shapers making new boards? Do you ever have issues from the customer when the ding is structurally fixed but not very cosmetically pleasing?

Yeah all of the above.

12 pack of IPA for a small ding is my going rate (delivered)

a buckled a little more for the headache…



For local kids its usually free or whatever the parents offer me as long as they aren’t in a hurry and its a pretty basic ding.  Material cost is next to nothing since I do ding repairs using glass offcuts and what’s left in the bottom of jugs of resin.  If they want color work I tell them to drop it off to the shop around the corner and have their guy do it.

Last summer I was going away so one of the kids I’ve done several ding repairs for had to take his board to the local shop for a decent nose ding.  When I got back the dad complained to me about how much the shop charged him for the repair.  I think they charged him $65

Yeah, backyarders that will do $#!t for free have been the ruin of every shaper, glasser, sander, ding repair guy from the early days.  Exactly the the reason there are so many starving, struggling shapers etc.



Total poser shot.

I have been pulling into closeouts at my favorite spot the last few weeks.

Some of them let me out, most don’t.

A good surfer would no-doubt be making it out of more.

This one let me run for a bit and then ran off without me.

That section in the pic is further away than it looks. =)

Wasn’t that how a lot of the shapers started, in the backyard? So, you’re saying the free ding repair guys are why there’s struggling shapers? Not sure I get that, but you know more than I (by a lot).

Doing work and materials for free drives prices down.  In any industry.  Why would you pay a professional to repair your car when your nephew will do it for free?

Sounds like a lot of surgery. At a minimum, I’d say 100 smackers.

For what it’s worth, my base price is $50, otherwise, it’s not worth the hassle. 

$50 is usually the base price that most pro Ding Repair shops start at.

…hi McDing; normally I do not do repairs due to not enough space hence too much time the racks occupied. That and as a board builder my treatment with the repairs differ a bit from what a repairer normally does. Both things considered and you finish losing too much money.

However, few times a year some customer brings a board made by me; they know that I do not repair boards but in the end I finish doing it because there are plenty of guys just earning money and ruining boards…


The other day I did this repair. The board is somewhat new; a special board with only a T band of PU stringers. I do not wanted that the board die so soon so I repaired it for free…sometimes is better to keep a customer; you know how much I can charge? This is an expensive ding repair.

The damage was worst than what looked in that image.



I understand what you are saying and I would do the same for one of my customers.  Nice work on that repair.


I love that it upsets you that I do repairs for local kids at no charge.

I love that it upsets you that I do repairs for local kids at no charge.

Doesn’t upset me at all .  Lol.  I don’t live in Joisey.  Properly bothers the ding repair guy down at the local shop you mentioned though.  Funny.  Those local kids pops could probably easily pay for ding repair that you do for free.  Haha

when my son was young, had ding repair parties with the neighborhood kids…deal was want your board fixed, had to be there to learn how… lotta fun…stingray bikes dumped in the driveway, young groms sticky and itchy, some mixing up wild pigment colors for their repairs…most graduated to fixing their own, would come by to bum materials, send them off with little kits…

 teach a boy to fish…