Hey everyone. I didn’t have much luck searching the archives for an answer to probably a simple question: What is the theory (physics, performance, wave type, materials, etc.) behind the difference between displacment hulls and ‘flat’ bottom surfboards? I mean, I know physically how they differ, but can’t find much information on the performance difference between the two. Anyway, I thought this might be a good discussion topic if it hasn’t already been covered (if it has been covered, could someone let me know the resource number). Thanks, Bill
contact SRP. hes PG
s publicity agent. they don`t know much but still manage to fool most of the the people some of the time.
what a load of shit, and a downright nasty thing to say. What went down during the final round was uncool, but as a contributor his posts were of value to this forum. He’s missed here by many.
I totally agree with Mr. Hunt. Uncool. And in response to a legitimate design question, too, which makes it worse. As you should have learned when you were a child, “if you don’t have something nice to say about someone, SHUT UP” or something like that, I forget. It was a long time ago.
The problem with public forums is it lets people take cheap shots at someone that might have something to say, simply out of insecurity. PG had some great things to say; most I agreed with, very few I didn’t. I felt it was great for him to voice his theories and opinions. As it’s great to hear the “How do you skin a blank” posts, stating that there’s someone new finding the stoke, It’s great to hear theories of someone that has some depth to their experience. aloha, tom
Mr. G, Need the info, hope you can provide the digits, Tom Curran is riding a very interesting surfboard in the new Surfer Magazine. How big is it, how wide is it, who shaped it. Aloha Seahorse
Bill if you go to the archives and look under hulls read the thread hullbound it explanes hulls fairly well. Wish i could tell you my self but I never heard of hulls be fore coming to this site.
Hey Tim, Thanks for that tidbit about ‘hullbound’.That is exactly what I was looking for. I’d love to try a hull sometime up at my old home break, Agate Beach, somewhere in Oregon. swalocks rocks! Bill
Bill… transitional displacement hulls, edge boards, etc. will often work just fine at Agate Beach, as well as other areas along the Lincoln County coastline. I surfed for years here with a good friend who rode a hull exclusively in a wide range of waves, and I`ve ridden hulls and triplane edge boards (knee and prone), plus surfmats, along the Northwest coast and British Columbia for 25+ years. In general, look for breaks with enough length to unwind through the gears. Have fun!
To Charlie Coffee, Bob Duncan, Chuck Ames, Bob Pleskunas, et al. Why don`t you guys cut all this ongoing b.s. about Paul Gross and just admit the truth?
Two questions: A hull is any board with a convex bottom (the bottom protrudes beyond the rails of the board), right? If this is the case I’m guessing that it would displace more water making the board a bit slower, but it might make rail to rail transitions a little easier to initiate. I am close? No one seems to want to offer an answer to Bill’s simple question, so this is simply a complete novice taking a stab in the dark. Also, as someone who’s just discovered this site I am curious about who Paul Gross is and what you cats are arguing about. Sorry for nosing in. Jason
No dissrespect, but if you check archives you’ll find the answer to all of your questions…type in hull and start reading. Next to “how should I cut laps” its probably the most talked about topic here for the last year or so. You’ll also run into the mysterious Mr. G. in your travels and will become enlightened. Go forth and multiply…have fun.
Thanks a lot Lee. I’ll check out those archives. Peace.
Rodger Why don’t they???answer:they are total pussys
I didn’t know I had a brother named Bob. post his number so I can get a hold of him Thanks!