diy future router setup?

at present i have been routing future boxes in with a dremel tool and a very basic stence, it works but its not briliant and it takes a while to do. in the uk we are on 240v so to run the future/ryobie router you need transformers and stuf makeing it even more expensif and i just dont have the funds to spend probably like $300 all in on the future setup.


so what ive done is mounted the dremel on a small rig to work as a fixed depth router but im now trying to figure a way to make the template so i dont have to have two seperate ones for the two depths

so i was has anyone made any sort of diy future router rig that could through some handy sugestions?

many thanks charlie

You at least need a laminating hand held router. It doesn’t need to be a roybie. They have those in the U.K. right??? It uses a 1/4" shaft bit and you need a 3/8" straight bit 1/2-3/4" length. Confused yet?

You don’t need a jig, and if you make one, you only need to make it for the swallow depth flange.

Carefully mark you fin placment. Flip you futures box upside down and trace around the flange. Clearly mark the non flange part of the box on your traced finbox outline. That will be your first cut.

On a futures jig, your first cut is the depth for the deep side or shallow center box. This is a straight cut 3/8" wide. One staright cut, with the proper depth with you 3/8" wide bit does this for you. Be careful on the stringer, when you f-up enough boards or cut yourself the small investment(actually around $115 US for the jig) will look pretty cheap.

The flange part you will do by hand with the appropriate depth 2-4mm. Have a dust mask and protective eye wear and get up close and personal with the cut. Use the open viewing to closely watch your steady or not so steady cut.

I suggest borrowing the jig from someone for an hour or a day. Remember, only smucks don’t return jigs immediately to the owner.

unfotunatly the only small lamanate routers we have over here start at about $200 (dewalt/maketa) it seams like ryobie or any of the outher companies do not make or import over to the uk anything in 240v which is frustrating as in the us you have 3 or 4 bellow $50

i did a few test with the dremel and it seams to cut foam ok and i can get stright router bits for it, i think your right in that it would defantly mess up if i tried to do a center box in a stringer but most of what im doing at the moment are stringerless eps so it is litraly just the foam it has to cut. i m hoping i can come up with some way to get me by a mounth or two till i can afford to maybe get the proper setup but at the moment i just cant affored it and being were i am in the uk im not even away of any other shapers with in a few hours drive ufortunatly.


many thanks for the outher information



EBAY U.K. has dirt cheap laminating routers for 35 pounds(i think) and 25 pounds shipping. Just don’t tell anyone they are from China, because many here will get pissssssssssssssed off. It will just between us two!!

If I were you, I would find a better fin system that you can easily get the tools for the installs. Or I would learn glass on fin techniques or review all the finless threads.

And the other 114 people to view the thread… as of this second. They won’t mind though, don’t worry! They’ll be so stoked they’ll buy two for themselves as well…

The laminate trimmer is well worth the money. I don’t have future jig experience, just probox and FU centers, but I messed around with some weird setups and a full-size router (terrifying. Not recommended.) at one point for my first few installs. When I bought my little makita everything got easier. Got mine for $100 on a big sale at a provincial tool store chain… You never know. Hopefully you can find a good deal somewhere!

Good luck.