Diy pu resin pigment


any idea on how to make your own resin pigments for polyurethane?

searched the internet but a lot comes for epoxy, unfortunately epoxy for me is really expensive.

cheers and good waves.

Are you sure pu resin or pe (polyester) resin?

Where are you getting your fiberglass supplies? They should have the basic color pigments that are compatible with polyester, vinylester, and epoxy.
Here is the page from my supplier:

Another term for the pigments is universal colorant, the same things that are in the machines at the shops where various paints and gelcoats are custom tinted.

I worked in a factory that bought pigments (opaque) and tint (transparent) in large buckets/barrels and would give me a little if I brought in a small container. The amount that get used for a batch of resin is quite small, maybe 1-3% so one does not need so much. I am still using colors from more than 10 years ago.

I don’t think I would go so far as to try to make from scratch.

Edit: I have used the same colors added to polyurethane (PU) glue, with an even smaller amount than used with resin. I would TEST with the exact color and glue before committing to a blank. One time I tried this with artists’ acrylics and the paint set off the glue before I could apply and glue things together.

Buy a factory and get all the necessary permits, license etc needed to manufacture pigments. You might consider buying a couple of mining operations as well. Most of the elements needed are mined from the earth.

hello friend,

i really enjoy the diy process,
from what i learned so far is done the same as acrilic paint.

the ingredints are mica powder ( mineral)
and some resin and then you have to work it with spatulas until you get a thick paste.

thank you for everything.
cheers amd good waves.