?Do fins "scale?"

I read some stuff in the archives about “scaling,” but it did not address fin placement.

If my 8’ has trailing edges of 4” and 12” should my 10’ have 5” and 15”? If I did the math right 8’=92”, 4”/96”x120”=5” (4.999”) & 12”/96”x120”=15”, then it is “scaled,” but is that what I would want for my fin placement? These are “guns.” A little on the thin and narrow side. 8’x18.5"x2.25" nose/tail 12", 10’x21.5"x2.8" nose and tail @12.28".

By the way, it, scaling, worked well for the rocker, thickness and (1/8”width per inch of length) out line.

Thanks, TaylorO.

Yeah, and what about fin SIZE on similar boards of very different sized

Thanks DR. S. From what I’ve read bigger board/bigger waves do not neccessaraly = bigger fins. My 8’ “gun” came w/G3000 from FCS, like their 2nd smallest, yet it works great. I found rake to effect the ride more than plain size. But my new one will have red-x and I got lots to play w/including fore-aft placement. tO

My 2 cents worth is that fin depth should increase as width, weight, and rocker increase. . . rather than directly due to board length. . . . which means that longer boards usually (well mine anyway) have deeper fins because they usually have more rocker, width, and weight. I also increase the length of fin the base (usually as a result of the fin being scaled up proportionally) with bigger boards and usually increase the thickness of the fin in proportion also.

In other words (IMO). . Yes !