i’m sure my 3 yo board used to float me paddle better in the first year i had it. i’m still same weight if not less
I believe they do
i guess the air thats displaced in the dent eventually escapes form the board thru cracks etc
actually i just looked at it and the tail pad area has been squashed down so much it looks maybe a 1/4 thinner on the toe side than it should, spose this must give the tail much less float.
If it’s that damaged, it sounds possible that there’s somewater or something in there making it heavier. But yeah, you’re compressing it and not changing the mass, so it’s getting more dense and less floaty.
strip all your wax off and do a new wax job. my old boards feel new and lively every time I do that. wax absorbs water and gets heavy. I can ring water out of old wax buildup
Technically speaking, a dent reduces volume and therefore reduces bouancy. But this change in volume is very small, so you probably won’t notice it. Water intrusion making the board heavier will have a bigger effect.
I believe they do, too. Plus, all the little micro cracks let water seep in over time. Mike
float = material density(buoyancy) and mass.
whereas deck dents will compress the foam sub-strate to the depth of the dents, as a percentage reduction in overall buoyancy a badly dented board could possibly lose a few percent due to compression…noticeable? Sure wouldn’t think so unless you weight 50# and surf naked…lol…
check for leaks, mate, lot more going on with your board if it’s losing buoyancy because of some mere deck denting…
Normal deck denting is like breaking in a baseball glove, or a pair of shoes. It allows feet a reference point on where the best foot placement to balance a board. Magic boards will always have the dents in the right place where the surfer can feel where his feet go without really even thinking about it. Never thought about a loss of deck volume from pressure dings, just like if I float better on my board with air filling my lungs or exhaling. Better things to think about than that.
surely only a few percent will make a difference. if a 30 litre board loses 3% it becomes a 29ish litre board. if the air inside it is giving it floatation then it must have less air, maybe the board would be pressurised for a little while but the air would soon escape thru micro cracks etc.
remember this is a 3 yo board. i’m sure its dropped at least a litre or 2. with all the denting.
i see what you guys are saying about water ingress repairs etc, but its pretty good condition apart from the pressures. i.e no discolouration soft spots etc.
The air that is within The structure of the shaped blank can not readily escape from The Fiberglass and plastic resin shell that incapsulates the blank. The board does not have less volume of air, it has redistributed the trapped air and slightly condensed the air within the shell.
Over time some air will escape and some moisture will penetrate. But the process would take years.
maybe it is not the decreasing volume but the foam is getting weaker due to the (many) dents.
a waeker board will maybe absorb more paddle power.
The amount of air really doesn’t matter! it is even the opposite to what you guys say. If you would remove air (suck vacuum) and keep the volume (imagine a very strong board) the board would weigh less and therefore have more flotation.
If you would pressurise you board, the board would become heavier. Look at scuba diving tanks they are way more heavy when filled than when empty.