?????Do you remember when you use to laugh at M-TV?????www.swaylocks.com

,A note to all builders,I have started adding this website address on every blank I shape,next to my signature(if this is okay with MasterHost Mike).This should help with getting the word out a little further.Herb

I m not a pro but 100% agree and support u. And I 'll lam Swaylocks on rice paper of my next board. Regards, Crabie

Maybe Mike can get together with one of the graphic wizards here and come up with a surfboard laminate (and/or “limited edition” T-Shirt???)

Maybe Mike can get together with one of the graphic wizards here and come > up with a surfboard laminate (and/or “limited edition” > T-Shirt???) …That would be a great way to generate money for the site,right?Herb

My limited experience with contract screeners has been that you have to order a LOT of shirts to get a decent price break. For me, on a limited run, it meant the shirts+screening costs were pretty expensive. Any discount screeners out there?

And the “Old shapers never die”…shirts? Maybe Mike can get together with one of the graphic wizards here and come > up with a surfboard laminate (and/or “limited edition” > T-Shirt???)

I’m ready to order!

Hey…said it before, bros…lith plate for silkscreen of that masthead in the upper left hand corner of the title page of swaylock’s! (lei band of said graphic) sounds just fine to me! (on pastel yellow shirt…looking the same way it is! [simple…a “new” trade mark])! that’s the image we see each time we tune in! I can see it!

Well, I guess that idea has hit the skids.

Well, I guess that idea has hit the skids. Actually , I was pondering that while working yesterday. I laughed out loud while I was thinking of a Murphy type layout. One w/ a garage door open and buckets of smoking resin about. We need some young artists w/ time on their hands. Another idea could be an annual design forum. Something like that…