Does Swaylocks Feel Different?

You guys should read the To Do list thread stickied at the top of the forum before getting in to the whole Chicken Little routine.

The amount of work required to port BB software is unsane. That the administrator(s) have gotten this far is miraculous.

The new site is awesome and will continue to become even more awesome.

I like it, I think it’s neat!

Aside from the cosmetic changes, this is my first post in since the new format because I the new system wouldn’t let post. I finally had to register as a new member under a different user name. (misspelled my last name)

It could be that some others have had the same problem and just felt like it was too much trouble.


I have been here for ??? years. It seems to always be in a state of transition. The characters come and go .I still see some of the first ones coming back now and then. I like this place a lot…Thanks for a great Effort Mike.I think people tend to forget how much time and money you put into this place. RB

Sways doesn’t change much.

People do.

Other events or involvements will cause…

people to quit surfing.

Get married.

New hobbies.

different jobs.

Some move inland.

Some travel to other coasts.

And in their own time…everyone will pass on.

This post is to those who have gone before us.


The only constant in life is change…

Howzit Herb, Was at Ambroses today and met a friend of yours who was a glasser. his kidneys went south on him a few years back but his wife gave him one of hers. Think his name is John but can’t remember,nice guy and we Talked for a while before I had to leave to go home.Aloha,Kokua

i guess i’m not online as much [believe it or not] as in my manic posting “chipfish61” days , so i may not be getting a broad overall view , but i HAVE noticed it seems a bit more serious nowadays …

i miss the aileronito’s , sirwanksalots, and you too, fatty , but i guess humour doesn’t always translate across the nationalities and the computer screen

i feel sad about the repeated anti-asian threads , and how these have made the japanese and others who used to post some GREAT stuff here , stop posting .

i reckon “no racism” should be one of the swalocks users rules

  but yes i agree , mike paler does a tremendous job providing this forum , and i have learnt SO much from others here , and seen stuff i probably never would have experienced otherwise [the saunders resin work videos spring to mind ...]

  everyone ,  it probably almost goes without saying , but ultimately , sways it's what WE make it ...

if we share the STOKE , post photos , encourage each other regularly , and have surfs and equipment swaps together , then sways really becomes more like a community [and , ?dare i use the word? , almost a “lifestyle” ??]



" if we share the STOKE , post photos , encourage each other regularly , and have surfs and equipment swaps together , then sways really becomes more like a community [and , ?dare i use the word? , almost a “lifestyle” ??]"

…Thanks Ben…

I can always count on a Swaylocks brother to come through…

9’4" x 23 1/4 x 3…got the blank from SenergyTodd…

94.png picture by 1stingray1

Had lunch with LeeV the other day…Said hi to Keith and MarkSSD…Got a pm from surf4fins and one from duckdive…

It just keeps going…

Thanks for all the stoke Herb!..Chipper we need you too!!!..

Share the stoke


It goes in cycles for me. Sometimes people are discussing things that don’t really interest me and other times I cant get back to the keyboards fast enough. The people we miss usually come back too. I’ve never liked the ‘search the archives first’ thing. I think it discourages new comers. Besides, about the ONLY question I feel qualified to answer with all the pro’s on here now is, “Where do I place the keel fins on my new fish?” This is an attempt at humor.

Sting, Your ‘lab’ is way too clean and neat. How do you manage to find anything in all that organization? Mike

look how clean the floor is…this is VERY suspect.

at its core especially with the old growth trees who silently watch over the new spring blossoms that eventually get trampled into fertilizer for the next generation it is still a pure place.

there’s a few sun blocking sky rise condo building dreamers out there but all in all the forest will sort itself out over time.

i have met in person and virtually many good decent and kind souls here who just want to share their postiive experiences and nothing more. I tried to do my best to honor that by being a decent participant and not professing a revolution for this benefit or that benefit for its in the dialog and the sharing of the simplest things that i have learned the most here.

personally I’s rather be talking story between sets in a lineup somewhere with my friends here than typing on stupid computer which I do all day long. But this place has been somewhat of a santuary from my daily ugly craziness and it still is for which mike can never be repaid enough for his thoughtful insight and hard work.

its when we get all bonkers crazy serious about ourselves that things seems to get out of hand…

so until the day i can share a wave and give a hoot to those here i had the good fortune of meeting here, the online version of my lineup will have to do…Hopefully I am contributing as much as i am learning here.

Ben… what ever happened to “rubberlove” ?

I think Jay’s getting tired of being the only one injecting humor into this site with each post…

Without people,

There is no change.

If a person moves a grain of sand on a beach…

…They have changed the face of time…forever.


"Down the road to Massachusetts driving through the night
I thought I saw Jack Kennedy hitchhiking by a light
I hit the brakes - backed up slow, and Kennedy got in
I said, “It’s nice to see you lookin’ back in shape again
Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe they gunned you down”
He just shook his head and looked off sadly with a frown
Said, “bullets are like waves, they only rearrange the sand
History turns upon the tides and not the deeds of man”

-Robert Hunter

Swaylock’s currently open for rebalancing…

There was a Great Meltdown and Conflagration here a few years ago that really changed the place…long enough ago that I think I can see how it was a manifestation of changes going on in both surfing and the internet that provided “perfect flamestorm” conditions. Lost a number of good people then. A bunch more have arrived since. If the average beach was as open as Swaylock’s is the surf-world would be a much much better place.


King Koa,Wildog,

You met Tom Norell.

He’s a great man !

My brother Ray and myself have had the pleasure of knowing him since the early 70s.

In the days gone by… we have shared many days in the sun together.

Peace be with you, my brother Mike.


I think there have been a few newcomers lately asking ‘dumb’ (as in you would have found the answer in the archives dumb) questions. Refreshing if you ask me.

I’m kind of allergic to change, but this version of the forum is not too bad IMHO.

i feel sad about the repeated anti-asian threads , and how these have made the japanese and others who used to post some GREAT stuff here , stop posting .

i reckon “no racism” should be one of the swalocks users rules

  but yes i agree , mike paler does a tremendous job providing this forum , and i have learnt SO much from others here , and seen stuff i probably never would have experienced otherwise [the saunders resin work videos spring to mind ...]

Chipper mate, you nailed it. There was I puzzling about what it was that was hacking me off, and that’s a big part of it.

But yes, it is still a great forum and I have to thank all here for the inspiration and help I’ve been given to achieve something I dearly love.

I just follwed someones advice to someone else (last week) to watch a youtube vid of Bammbamm glassing a board, what an artform he makes of that. It’s on constant play on my ipod, would never have seen that if it weren’t for Sways. RESULT!

Cycles or waves? Troughs or lulls? There’s always something on the horizon…ya just gotta wait a bit.

Well through this forum I met a top bloke from California (Roger), who gave me a hand-shaped board from a poet from Kauai to ride, with no money changing hands.

That is a pure stoker.

It’s just a minor bummer that I can only log onto post every so often (got no idea why).

Cheers, Steve.

I like threads that discuss ideas, trends, waves…seems like the “visionaries” have gone missing.