Dominican Republic

Does anyone know anything about the Dominican REpublic,

It occupies the same island as Haiti. I spent a few days there in 1994. I lugged a board all the way from LA. Never saw any good waves or another surfer, although I am sure there are both. They love baseball more than anything. When the cops motion you to stop, just step on the gas. They don’t have radios or cars! Definitely 3rd. World… Roger

A lot of great ballplayers come from there. And the 3rd world thing is a bit of a misnomer. In fact it is one of the fasest growing Caribean destiniations because it is safe and cheap, and in a lot of places beautiful. Surf is decent. Can be great even. Similiar to Perto Rico, but with a little better swell exposure.

One thing to currently consider is the situation in Haiti…The Dominican Republic is nothing like Haiti, but right now the border is very tense, as there are accusations that the rebels are coming across it to fight, plus refugees trying to cross over. You never know what might happen if Haiti erupts in full scale civil war. But on the lighter side, my friends just had a surfing wedding there and had a great time. They described it as Puerto Rico without the sometimes prevelant stink-eye. The wind comes up, though.

I just took a trip to the DR in January. We found some fun surf, but it wasn’t epic by any means. There are some great reef set ups, but swell and wind are really variable. The typical winter trade pattern USUALLY make for early morning offshores and strong afternoon onshores (which makes the DR a kite boarding and wind surfing mecca). However, anytime a storm system passes through, this typical wind pattern gets disrupted, so there are days when the onshores blow all day, making for choppy sloppy surf. The plus is that the place is not overrun by surfers, but you’re not guaranteed to score. let me know if you’re planning a trip, and I’ll send along some specifics.

The Spanish teacher in my school tells me that “I feel free in D R”

Thinking about going in April, May any idea what the chance of surf is? I know the winter and the summer get waves but April May!!