Donations for Swalocks?

I was just curious what is a good amount to donate, I want to help, I love the site and was going through withdrawals. I just want to make a “good” donation but I don’t have the money to go crazy and give as much as I would like too, what’s a good amount, honestly? Thank you very much for the site and keep up the good work! Ryan

To everyone out there, if you spend 1 less hour on your computer you can work and make a little money to give to swaylocks. We all know how many hours we are at these computers. Well I guess “working” at my computer is a good excuse for me to relax and not work… Forget my idea, I like my excuse for being lazy, I guess I will donate from my beer money.

There are several very easy routes to make this happen. The first is a PayPal link could be added to the site. Anyone who is interested in donating would be a few clicks away. The second is Google ads. These pay if people click through and spend money, and for a site like Swaylocks it oughta be $2-5/day. Or, use both. I added the Google ads to my site, so that they are not in the way, and it generates a buck or two a day, enough to pay my webhosting bills. Just some random thoughts - if people are genuinely interested in giving (and it looks like plenty of people are), making it easy for them will have a big impact.

I was going to go trhough PayPal, the link on the front, i was going to donate like $20, but I didn’t want that to be like, gee thanks, why bother. I just want to make sure it is enough to make it wrth the admins while. Ryan

I’ve gotten donations from $5 to $200 and no matter what comes in I’m always grateful Everything and anything helps. Thanks, S.

Cool, Thank you so much for your hard work! You are keeping the dream alive! Thanks again, I’ll be donanting this paycheck! Ryan

)*( Donuted L(ick) M(y) B(alls)

Mike, I’m thinking you should hold an annual Swaylocks Blackout. Sort of a fund raiser. Just hold out long enough for the operating revenue you need, plus capital expenditures, plus that new board you’ve been needing, then bring the site back up. Notify everyone by email. Really put the fear in us say, once a year. Kidding. Keep up the good work.

Wouldn’t a cdrom or dvd with all the material from swaylocks be a good idea? With some sort of “search” function included? Id gladly spend a few $$ on that? Erik

…blah…blah,blah…blah,blah,lbah,albh,blah…blaah…ballllll…bah,bah,b…b.a.l,blah…blah,blah…$$$…blahblahlbah…blah,blah,blah…blahblahblah…blah@blahblah.blah…www.$.blah.blah…f@$@ing …wwwww$$$@@@$$$…blah…blah$blah…BLAH…BLah…d@n@ti@ns$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!?..blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,$$$,blah,blah…www.blah.blah…blah,blaaaaaahhhh,blh…blah,blah,blah.