Dont' freak out...

I’ve made a small modification to the post # vs. title scheme…barnicle is new – carp has been moved.

Sorry, no explanations.

0 => newbie

15 => user

50 => journeyman

100 => member

200 => enthusiast

400 => addict

800 => barnicle

1600 => veteran

3200 => master

6400 => carp

I just made journeyman today, but i know I am an addict!!

Mike, are you going to Big Sur?


Mr. Paler…Barnacle?

Thank you so much for this site.

I kinda got emotional about this forum on the “resistance to change” thread this morning. Probably should of started a new thread.

          Thanks again, Gil 



I think we’re all a little addicted.


I am. With wife. So stoked.


Hey Mike , didnt know the wifes comin, cool I will see if i can get a nice bottle of Saucelito Canyon Zinfandel , thats Bill Greenoughs winery,goood stuff.

you mean I sell just 1200 more posts I become a lower life form! this is almost as good as Boy Scout fund raising…and 4000 more I become … perhaps a transterrestrial…with flowered shorts on…ambrose…maybe a magpie for 150 posts a week or a canary for 200 … or a woodpecker for 300 a week

Off topic, but Saucelito Canyon makes an excellent Late Harvest Zinfandel dessert wine which I got at the Wine Cask in Santa Barbara. Very unusual and tasty, it comes in 1/2 bottles.

Hey Mike isn’t barnicle spelled “barnacle”??.I like it because I dont want to be no steenking bony ass Carp.Mullet is good though. RB

Cleanlines – I fixed that. Thanks.

KP. That’s funny --Zin’s are my wifes favorite wine. You would make a friend for life if you brought a fine Zin. Headed off to the skate park today. Ocean is flat.

Grind it!



we feature the greenough zin at the restaurant i work at-by far my favorite-old rootstock, incredible, heady stuff! kept telling Kp about it, now he and the Mrs. are hooked!

Matt got some at the old bottle shop on coast village rd. in Montecito yesterday , they try to have some on hand most times.George’s brother Bill did a cool thing bringing back that winery to it’s current state.