Drawings...Lets see them!

This is an idea I have for a paint job/pin line deele. Not so much the planeshape, but the general idea is there.


Colors are cool. Is that black on the deck?

A whole-board graphic (rather than a cartoon on the board) with some meaning…

…I don’t mean to be a dick, but you got some severe toe-out on the fins.


…I don’t mean to be a dick, but you got some severe toe-out on the fins.

For sure, dick on…

and, yes deck would be black, I think the hull would be gray so the pin-lines would show up.

"…I don’t mean to be a dick, but you got some severe toe-out on the fins.

George , George , George …

…that’s the gemini NOSE , silly !

Rhino has severe toe-IN on the nose fins , so he can do those judo air pop shove-its easily …see the “skateboard surfboard” thread …

[sheeesh !! …“old school guys” , don’t they know ANYTHING ???]


…jokes guys jokes o.k?

couldn’t help myself, LOL. (c’mon, they are toed out a bit!)

The bottom with the red fish with white/clear background would look nice, maybe with

grey pinlines. The deck area with grey is good, with black pinlines? Probably light grey

due to wax melt issues… The reason I say that is to get the most out of the red, as

it should be the main feature that pops on the bottom. Black deck might obscure the

tuna’s back a bit, but grey gives some translucence. 2 cents.

that reminds me alot of this little red plastic rocket toy we had as kids.

you filled it up with water

pumped the crap out of it and shot it up into the sky

I swear it looked just like that except in red see through plastic…

go buck rogers go!

Oh yea like that pic you posted of the Silver Surfer…

Another one of my heros along with Tom Morey they seemed the same somehow…


wheres my three wring byender

with the checkers and surfboards and waves and rockets and T-buckets

and The big words English when I need it?

The toedoubt fins included laddie

is a graight Oiedeea!

make er up! a model would be fine

heck ya got the balsa scraps.

I remember a nappy Napoleon

thinned out balsa

this kid from aina hina

had one day at queens surf beach service

he was sssooooo

proud and stoked

I was infected by his stoke

and then and there

I began my fixation with:

" I too would have a board someday"

not the same red configuraton but

Ya know




models are a fast make.

oh , O-K-A-Y , then !

this is me and my board after today’s surf …[By the way …I left it in black and white , just for ‘Oldy’ !]

[four fins were too tricky for me to be able to draw…

so…I think now you can see why my SISTER is the artist in the family , and why I stick to taking photos , eh ?]



hahaha : )


couldn’t help myself, LOL. (c’mon, they are toed out a bit!)

The bottom with the red fish with white/clear background would look nice, maybe with

grey pinlines. The deck area with grey is good, with black pinlines? Probably light grey

due to wax melt issues

I can see that working. Are Chip and I the only doodlers on sways? Let’s see what you guys got.

whoops thread hijack…

don’t have a drawing but I do have a picture for chip!

foil them buggers!!!

Chip, did I mention I finished my #1 epoxy and rode it??? It was awesome!!

i have some drawings…

NNNNNNNNNice work, I particularly like the robots making surfboards.


that reminds me alot of this little red plastic rocket toy we had as kids.

you filled it up with water

pumped the crap out of it and shot it up into the sky

I swear it looked just like that except in red see through plastic…

go buck rogers go!

Oh yea like that pic you posted of the Silver Surfer…

Another one of my heros along with Tom Morey they seemed the same somehow…

Oneula…I had that same rocket. And one with red & yellow plastic too.

Chip…you have a sister? If she has your metabolism, I bet, in her case, its a good thing :stuck_out_tongue:

I had the all red one that was kinda pointed then I had the red and white one that was kind of bulby

and a bit smaller.

I shot one through a neighbor’s window on a dare. I was a punk back then. The window was open

but I never went in the house to get it… that was like the late 60’s, early 70’s. It still might be

there for all I know… …what decade is this anyways? the 1’s?? or the 00’s? (‘tens’ are next, right?).

I believe it’s the “oughts”…


this is classic !

my mate “zap” would be loving this thread …

he looks EXACTLY like the square chinned super-hero guy from toy story …"“buzz lightyear”

He was heavily into model aeroplanes as a kid [and adult , actually ! …so much so , that he got his pilot licence !]

Benny ,

my “big” sister


5’1 , and about 90lbs …

and 51 years old !!

…She gets pissed [off] that everyone thinks she is my 'younger / “little sister”



Nice work!

I think this thread is going to be a free for all…


free for all threads are good !

lighten up [and get air !]

prevention is better than cure

uh oh …got there too late

[more puerile stuff from the waterlogged ‘brain’ of the chipmonster …]